Staying Healthy on the Weekends
Staying Healthy on the Weekends
The weekend is over and for some it was just pleasant rest and relaxation. For others it meant partying, late nights, and cheat foods. What's the hard part of eating is maintaining all the work you put in all week eating, healthy, getting exercise, and getting rest. That discipline you had suddenly disappears. With a little focus and dedication, you can maintain your healthy habits while still having fun. Here are some tips.
1. Make fitness a lifestyle.
If you are really about becoming fit and changing yourself, then it comes with sacrifices. That may mean taking a couple less shots, not drinking that beer, or not going for a late night fast food run. Make sure that even on the weekend you still get a workout in as well. My suggestion is to never go more than 3 days without working out. If you really want to lose weight, build muscle, or increase your health then you may want to tone it down a little with the turn up.
2. Bring your own healthy food.
I can honestly say that in my past I have made that late night ride to McDonald's or in Boston there's places like Hen House or Chau Chows. Binging at restaurants like that is detrimental to your work that you put in. My suggestion to solving that problem is maybe bringing food that you can leave in the car if you drive to the club or wherever you are going. Now don't get me wrong, having McDonald's or other fast food isn't bad once in a while. The problem lies when you are over eating it. So bring maybe some of that extra food you have left over from the week. Not only does this help your diet and goals, it helps your wallet out too.
3. Workout longer on the weekend.
If you work a 9-5, chances are you have Saturday and Sunday off. That gives you more time to get a longer workout in. During the week you may not have the time to take that Zumba class or go for a 30 minute run through your neighborhood. Take the opportunity to treat your body and get a good hard workout in without the rush of knowing you have to go to work the next day.
4. Moderate the amount of alcohol you drink.
A lot of people probably read this part and exited the post. For those still reading this is very important. Drinking a moderate amount of liquor is fine if you are still drinking while staying focused on getting healthy. The question is what is a moderate amount? While that is debatable here is an example of what a drink actually is.
Examples of one drink include:
Beer: 12 fluid ounces (355 milliliters)
Wine: 5 fluid ounces (148 milliliters)
Distilled spirits (80 proof): 1.5 fluid ounces (44 milliliters)
A suggestion of mine would be to learn your limit yourself to one drink for women and 2 drinks for men.
Having fun on the weekend and keeping your healthy lifestyle afloat can be tough. It will take discipline, dedication, and sacrifice. But if you are truly in to the Glo Up Fitness movement and are looking to get healthy and fit then you will achieve your goals while still being able to TURN UP.
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