Thursday, August 18, 2016

Basketball Skill Conditioning Workout

Basketball Workout

If you are looking for a quick workout on the court to polish your skills or to do for fun here is a workout for to get  you more skilled as well as more conditioned.

Warm up


Start off by shooting 10 free throws. Remember how many you made.

Low dribbles in place- Right hand x 1 minute, Left hand x 1 minute, Right to Left x1 minute

Hard dribble- Right hand x 1 minute, Left hand x 1 minute, Hard dribble cross x 1 minute

Pound crossover going forward (up and back)- Crossover, Between legs, Behind the back


Catching off the screen- Take two cones and put them at the ends of the free throw line. What you will do is run from under the basket run one cone to catch and shoot, then run back under the basket then around the other cone to catch and shoot. Make sure you are pivoting your feet as well as staying in a low, bent knee position to shoot. Do this twice for two minutes.

Pick & Pop- Perform the pick and pop for two minutes catching and shooting. Do this as well twice for 2 minutes. Make sure you are opening up after the ball handler uses the screen.

Catch, Pump, Shoot- You will be catching the basketball, performing a hard pump fake, taking a step forward, and shooting. Do this twice for 2 minutes

Shoot 10 free throws. Remember how many you made and compare it to the amount you made when you started.


Off screen drive- The same drill you did for the off screen shooting this time the difference is you catching and driving. Do this twice for 2 minutes.

Mikan drill- Stand under the basket and finish on both sides using the the hand on that side twice for 1 minute.

Dunk drill- Toss the ball off the backboard, catch, keep the ball high and lay in in using your right hand on the right side and left hand on the left side. Do this once on each side for 1 minute each side.

Read and react- Have a partner run towards you forcing you to go to either the left or right hand at random. Whatever side they choose you must attack the basket and finish with the hand on whatever side you are on. Do this twice for 5 minutes.

Shoot 10 free throws and compare the amount you make to the last two sets of 10.




Anyone looking for One on One training contact us at or message us on our Facebook page

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