Tuesday, August 16, 2016




How many of us believe in God or a higher being? How many of us believe our favorite sports team is going to win the championship? Well I personally believe there is a God and I believe my Patriots will win the Super Bowl every year.  Reason being is because I believe in something I cannot see yet. Do you believe in your future self? You talk about wanting to be a doctor or get healthy but do you really see it? Starting today and for the next 30 days I want you to go in the mirror and say to yourself what you want to be. Soon enough you will start to believe it. Even when you are at your lowest point you must stay focused and believe. Just like how even at your lowest points still believe in God or when your quarterback is suspended for four games you still believe you will win the Super Bowl. 


 Moral of the Story:


In the famous words of the band Journey "Don't Stop Believing". Believe in yourself even when it is hard to. One day you will laugh about the doubt you had at one point and cherish where you are even more because of that.



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