Wednesday, August 10, 2016



A lot of the time on my page I talk about fitness working out and getting in shape. But I also want to make sure you are eating correctly as well. It is vital that you make sure you are eating the correct things otherwise you won't see the results you want. A great saying to live by is, "You can't outwork a poor diet". If you go to the gym and kill it but go home and eat 3 bacon cheeseburgers with fries and a beer every day (kind of overdoing it), then the results you will have will be limited. Get focused and eat for fuel not pleasure.

Moral of the Story: 

If you are really serious about getting fit, then you have to put in the effort in all aspects of getting fit. Look up healthy alternatives for your favorite foods, drink more water instead of soft drinks, and continue to get your exercise in. I can personally vouch that when I changed my diet to eat more vegetables I lost 8 lbs. It is tough but the outcome is worth the effort.

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