Thursday, August 4, 2016



It's Thursday. The week is almost over everybody! You've got over the hump, you've put in the work all week. Finally you can start to relax right? Wrong. When you are almost done that is when you need to kick it into another gear. When you watched Kobe Bryant play he always played at a high level. What made him great was the way he finished games. Bring out your inner Kobe. Be the closer. Raise your performance level even when you're close to your goals. As soon as you let up that's when you give opportunity for others to catch up to you, just like if you relax the work might pile up on you.

Moral of the Story:

Keep grinding no matter how close you are. Never coast. Simple as that. Always give 120% effort regardless of if it is Monday or Friday. Don't run to the finish line. Run through it.

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