Wednesday, August 31, 2016
When you walked into work this morning what did you do? Did you walk straight to your desk still rubbing the crust out of your eyes? Did you say good morning to everyone? Did you smile? Did you bring positivity into the room when you walked in? Start doing that. We all complain about work and how our job is the worst but are we going in at least with a positive mind? One thing you should do everyone morning is say good morning to people when you come in. Start off the day positive. Chances are that positivity will spread because positivity can be just as contagious as negativity. Change your mind and mood. Be positive.
Moral of the Story:
Be positive every day. That will bring a better environment to work in as well as make your own life better. Why not be happy when you're on the journey to greatness. Positive vibes only.
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Would you like to be in the same position you are in now for the rest of your life? Everything you have now is this all you want in life? Do you want to be in the same job for the rest of your life? Do you want to be the same weight for the rest of your life? Do you want to not gain any more knowledge in your life? People say they don't but it is hard to believe them. Why do you ask? The reason is because people are afraid to leave their comfort zone. People get comfortable where they are. They're afraid to start a business, they're afraid to start going to the gym, they're afraid to try to learn new things. Why? It is because they are afraid of failure. One thing Glo Up Fitness has understood is that you CANNOT be afraid to fail. Otherwise you lose the opportunity to succeed. Successful people at some point took a risk to become successful. They took that leap of faith because they knew that the opportunity to succeed was far more valuable than the risk of failure.
Moral of the Story:
When the game was on the line Michael Jordan was always trusted to take the winning shot. There were times he missed but do we remember that? No. We remember him for the game winner he took and made. The point to that is that he was not afraid to take the shot. So we ask you. Are you willing to take that game winning shot in your life or are you not going to take it and lose?
Monday, August 29, 2016
I love you. If nobody tells you that today then let me be the first. Sometimes we don't take the time to really tell people that, which causes people to not value themselves as they should. As a child, I knew I was loved which made me believe I could do anything. Some people don't get that kind of love every day, so now I'm letting you know that you are loved by me. I cherish your presence and pray for you. I pray that nothing but great things happen to you and all your dreams come true. You are beautiful.
Moral of the Story:
I love you.
Friday, August 26, 2016
One of my favorite songs out today is by Jerry Purpdrank "Living It". The hook he's just simply saying "I'm living my life, I'm living my life, I'm living" . Simple but to be honest the reason I like the song so much is because that's how I'm feeling these days. People may talk about you, bring up negative things about you, and straight up slander your name, but my mindset is simple. You're not paying my bills, you're not doing anything for me so therefore what does your opinion matter? Keep that mentality because at times you may be tempted to attack back or get upset, but what they say is beneath you. If nobody tells you today I believe in you and forget what the naysayers say.
Moral of the Story:
Have a deaf ear to the people who bring no positivity to your life. The Glo Up Fitness way is positive vibes only. Keep the negative away. Stay focused, stay positive, and live your life.
*Be sure to check out the song "Living It" by Jerry Purpdrank on iTunes today.
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Yesterday one of the points of the post was to take 30 minutes a day working on your goals. I want to elaborate on that. How efficiently are you working on them? Are you working on them the right way? Many times we may think we are putting in work just because we are there, but we are actually doing a disservice to yourself. For example, if you play basketball and take 500 shots a day but are shooting incorrectly. If you're going to do something, do it right. The quote "Practice makes perfect" is misleading. Yes practice will help you improve but if you aren't working on your skills correctly you really aren't working at all. The quote that is more fitting is "Perfect practice makes perfect", a quote said by the great NFL coach Vince Lombardi.
Moral of the Story:
Don't play yourself. Take that 30 minutes and use it efficiently. If you don't want to practice correctly, then only you are affected. Only you can bring yourself to success, but in order to get there you must practice perfectly for perfection.
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
About 30 days ago I posted a post about not just sitting around and waiting for things to happen for you to achieve your goals. My question is have you started working on your goals? Have you started to stop talking and take action? One thing I've learned is that if you're talking about doing something and make no type of actions I can't believe you. It's been nearly 30 days, so within that 30 days have you made an effort to go to the gym or eat healthier? Have you started to work on that project that will help your business? I want to keep this challenge going to those interested. I want you to spend at least 30 minutes a day working on your goals. Every day is a day to get better even if it is a small amount. I promise that it can only do you well to take that time out to improve yourself.
Moral of the Story:
Continue to keep working. People may not see what you're doing now, but that doesn't matter. Focus on you. Eventually people will see the grind. Build your legacy.
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Why do you care about what other people are doing? What does it matter where someone else is on their road to success? Here are four words that you need to remember for the rest of the day. STAY IN YOUR LANE. You're going to get to where you want to be but if you are worrying about other people and trying to compete with them then that will slow you down. Think of the picture that went famous across the world of Michael Phelps and Chad Le Clos. From what the picture looks like, Chad Le Clos is trying to find where Michael Phelps is when Phelps is focused only on reaching the finish. With much respect to Olympian Chad Le Clos don't do what he did in that race. Stay focused on only your finish line.
Moral of the Story:
The moral of the story is simply stay in your lane. Focus only on yourself and don't worry if someone else may be a little ahead of you now. Keep grinding and getting better. Who knows? Maybe you will pass them and they will be watching you.
*Motivation inspired by Henry Alston
Monday, August 22, 2016
I can't do it. I don't have the resources to get there. It wasn't made for me to be successful. These are some terms used by many people to give themselves an excuse to why they're not successful. When things are hard a lot of people think that they are impossible. But that's the thing, these tasks are only hard. That means they are impossible. And even if someone says something is impossible, it is only impossible until somebody does it. It was considered impossible for someone to run under 10 seconds in the 100 meter dash until Jim Hines did it. Now in the 100 meter Olympic final, even the 5th place sprinter Akani Simbine broke it. Stop saying you can't do things because of a road block. Figure out how you can. When you say you can't you've already mentally taken yourself out of doing what you want to do and that 3/4 the battle. So next time you say I can't be lose 10 lbs because I can't eat healthy, think how can you figure out ways to eat healthy. Don't blame something else for you not accomplishing your goals. Like it's been said before, don't wait for opportunities, take them.
Moral of the Story:
Don't blame someone or something for your lack of success. Sure there may be things that are going to make things tougher for you to be successful. They can be financial situations, systematic flaws, or even politics. That doesn't mean that you can quit. That should add fuel to your fire inside you to accomplish them. Think of all the athletes or other famous people who have nothing to something stories. Create yours starting today.
Friday, August 19, 2016
Risk. When you think of that word what do you think? Do you think of fear? Do you think of danger? It seems a lot of people when thinking of the word risk, seem to only think negatively of the word. To Glo Up Fitness, risk is a positive word. With risk comes opportunity. See, the thing is in life we tend to be too "safe". We are afraid to fail. We are afraid to not get the outcome. We worry more about losing than we think about the possible gain. Things like trying out for the basketball team or committing to getting training, people will say "Well, if I don't make it?" or "What if I quit?". My question to someone saying these things is "What if you do make it? or "What if you commit and get in shape?". Change your mentality. People who are successful had the train of thought to change that mentality. They understand that to be successful you must take risk. You must go for opportunity. So next time you think of the possible risk you are about to take, don't think of what can go wrong. Think of what can go right.
Moral of the Story:
Don't be afraid to take risks. Who knows if that risk doesn't change your life. People who are successful aren't afraid to fail so if you want to reach the success you want to reach, take a chance. Don't be afraid of a risk or in better terms an opportunity.
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Basketball Skill Conditioning Workout
Basketball Workout
If you are looking for a quick workout on the court to polish your skills or to do for fun here is a workout for to get you more skilled as well as more conditioned.
Warm up
Start off by shooting 10 free throws. Remember how many you made.
Low dribbles in place- Right hand x 1 minute, Left hand x 1 minute, Right to Left x1 minute
Hard dribble- Right hand x 1 minute, Left hand x 1 minute, Hard dribble cross x 1 minute
Pound crossover going forward (up and back)- Crossover, Between legs, Behind the back
Catching off the screen- Take two cones and put them at the ends of the free throw line. What you will do is run from under the basket run one cone to catch and shoot, then run back under the basket then around the other cone to catch and shoot. Make sure you are pivoting your feet as well as staying in a low, bent knee position to shoot. Do this twice for two minutes.
Pick & Pop- Perform the pick and pop for two minutes catching and shooting. Do this as well twice for 2 minutes. Make sure you are opening up after the ball handler uses the screen.
Catch, Pump, Shoot- You will be catching the basketball, performing a hard pump fake, taking a step forward, and shooting. Do this twice for 2 minutes
Shoot 10 free throws. Remember how many you made and compare it to the amount you made when you started.
Off screen drive- The same drill you did for the off screen shooting this time the difference is you catching and driving. Do this twice for 2 minutes.
Mikan drill- Stand under the basket and finish on both sides using the the hand on that side twice for 1 minute.
Dunk drill- Toss the ball off the backboard, catch, keep the ball high and lay in in using your right hand on the right side and left hand on the left side. Do this once on each side for 1 minute each side.
Read and react- Have a partner run towards you forcing you to go to either the left or right hand at random. Whatever side they choose you must attack the basket and finish with the hand on whatever side you are on. Do this twice for 5 minutes.
Shoot 10 free throws and compare the amount you make to the last two sets of 10.
Anyone looking for One on One training contact us at or message us on our Facebook page
Glo UP Teamwork Partner workout
Partner leg raises 2 x 1 minute
Partner side lunges w/ medicine ball 2 x 1 minute
Plank claps 2 x 1 minute
Push-up claps 2 x 1 minute
Jump squat claps 2 x 1 minute
Do you know what an asset and a liability are? Do you know the difference? To keep it simple, an asset is something you own that profits for you. An example of an asset would be stocks and bonds. A liability is something that is costing you. An example of that would be buying a car or clothes. Now the wealthy become wealthy because they spend their time buying assets more than they buy liabilities while the non rich buy liabilities more than assets. In relation to your goals are you buying assets more than you're buying liabilities? For example, education is an asset. I don't just mean going to college or anything like that. I'm more referring to reading and expanding your mind. A liability may be for some partying every day. That time you spent on going out is not necessarily helping you grow and is costing you precious time. Now I'm not saying the wealthy don't buy liabilities. It is fine to go out to the club from time to time or eat your favorite junk food once in a while. What wealthy people understand is that they increase their assets so that they can buy from the gain on their assets. If you've been working hard it is fine to take a break and enjoy life or go to Five Guys as long as you're putting in more than you're putting out.
Moral of the Story:
Everyone wants growth when it comes to their goals but sometimes we aren't investing in them more than we are putting out for other things that have no value. Make sure you are investing in your assets. As they grow it won't affect you to here and there take on a liability. It is time for all of us to become "Wealthy".
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
One thing that can be said about my friends is that they are honest. They tell it like it is. I try to do the same thing. If I am messing up or not doing something I am supposed to then they will call me on it. That is part of being a "True" friend. When you get together a team of beasts, you must maintain that beast status. If one of you slips up then you all do. So make sure you are maintaining your crew. A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link. Make sure you all are on the same page. Now I'm not saying to try to go and disrespect people. What I am saying is if there is a certain thing that someone is slacking on let them know so they can improve. For example, if your friend is not doing anything to reach their goals or your friend is not properly managing the project you're working on. It is your responsibility as a friend to help maintain your team.
Moral of the Story:
Sometimes your friends just need a boost to remind them of their purpose or to keep them focused. As a friend if you aren't saying anything to help them reach their goals if they are slacking then you aren't being that good friend you claim to be. I can firmly say that my group of friends are all making power moves. Nobody can tell me anything. Rap group Travis Porter said it best, "Check the Stats My Team is Winning.
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
How many of us believe in God or a higher being? How many of us believe our favorite sports team is going to win the championship? Well I personally believe there is a God and I believe my Patriots will win the Super Bowl every year. Reason being is because I believe in something I cannot see yet. Do you believe in your future self? You talk about wanting to be a doctor or get healthy but do you really see it? Starting today and for the next 30 days I want you to go in the mirror and say to yourself what you want to be. Soon enough you will start to believe it. Even when you are at your lowest point you must stay focused and believe. Just like how even at your lowest points still believe in God or when your quarterback is suspended for four games you still believe you will win the Super Bowl.
Moral of the Story:
In the famous words of the band Journey "Don't Stop Believing". Believe in yourself even when it is hard to. One day you will laugh about the doubt you had at one point and cherish where you are even more because of that.
Monday, August 15, 2016
Thank God it is Monday! Today when I woke up I had a new look on Mondays. Usually when we come from the weekend we think "Here we go again". I say let's change that mentality. Every day is a great day to be great. Hit the ground running this week. Go hard starting today and continue that through the rest of the week. I also hope you continue to take at least 30 minutes out of your day to work on your goals. Don't forget. Even when you are done working at your job, can't clock out for the day. You need to put that overtime in on your goals.
Moral of the Story:
Mondays aren't bad at all. It's the start of a new week to be great. Be excited for a new week of greatness. Let's all be thankful it's Monday.
Friday, August 12, 2016
Glo Up Partner workout August 12, 2016
Partner Squats- 2 x 1 minute
Squat Medicine Ball Pass Rotation- 2 x 1 minute
High Low Pass Rotation- 2 x 1 minute
Sit Up Pass- 2 x 1 minute
Wheelbarrow Push Up Squat- 2 x 1 minute
Plank Hold Jump- 2 x 1 minute
Happiness and Health with the New Movement
GOOD Morning!
"Does happiness sometimes escape you? Is it hard to find the good in situations? Are you truly happy? Happiness is a choice that we all must make for ourselves! You have the power to choose if you are happy or not. I know too many people that don’t know they have the power to control their emotions. We all go through rough times, tough challenges, and certain situations that we can’t control. There is always one thing you can control though, yourself. You decide if those challenges make or break you. You can get down on yourself or you can choose to be positive, optimistic, and truly happy!
- Karl Golden Jr."
Read More about "The Choices" you make regarding Happiness and Health @ in its first series of Articles!
"Does happiness sometimes escape you? Is it hard to find the good in situations? Are you truly happy? Happiness is a choice that we all must make for ourselves! You have the power to choose if you are happy or not. I know too many people that don’t know they have the power to control their emotions. We all go through rough times, tough challenges, and certain situations that we can’t control. There is always one thing you can control though, yourself. You decide if those challenges make or break you. You can get down on yourself or you can choose to be positive, optimistic, and truly happy!
- Karl Golden Jr."
Read More about "The Choices" you make regarding Happiness and Health @ in its first series of Articles!
Today on this beautiful Friday I want to say thank you for everything he has given me to create this website. A lot of times we are so focused on our futures we never actually live in the actual moment and appreciate what we have and how far we have come. Today I want everyone to just take one minute to just reflect on all the things that you are blessed with and appreciate them. As much as we want to be the CEO of the company or gain some muscle, take time to appreciate where you are now. I thank each and every one of you who take a look at this website. It truly means something to me when someone sees me and mentions Glo Up Fitness. If I have motivated you or helped you in any way. That means the world to me.
Moral of the Story:
As much as we want to move to the next step, take time to realize where you are now and enjoy the moment you are in now. Some people couldn't get to where you are. Some people aren't standing here to be in the same position. So to all of you who read, cherish every moment.
Thursday, August 11, 2016
Everyone has heard of the cup half full, cup half empty metaphor. Half full meaning positive thoughts to some and half empty being negative to others. In my eyes I don't see either being just positive or negative. I see both as a positive. If you think about it, half full can mean that you are almost done filling the cup while also half empty can mean you are almost done emptying the cup. My point being is that in life we tend to have negative thoughts because we haven't reached our goals. It is time that we all start thinking more positive when it comes to anything. Instead of saying I can't do something, why don't you say, how can I do it. The more you think positively, the better outcomes you will start to receive.
Moral of the Story:
Like I said in a previous #MarcusMotivation, success is a perception. If you think you are failing it is because your mentality is wrong. Change your mentality. Start thinking more on the bright side so that you are able to envision what is your upcoming future
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Glo Up Gear
Glo Up Gear
If you're with the Glo Up movement and want to represent check out some of the new Glo Up gear that has come out. The hat even comes in a Breast Cancer Awareness colorway. More gear will be coming so stay tuned!
Glo Up Gear
A lot of the time on my page I talk about fitness working out and getting in shape. But I also want to make sure you are eating correctly as well. It is vital that you make sure you are eating the correct things otherwise you won't see the results you want. A great saying to live by is, "You can't outwork a poor diet". If you go to the gym and kill it but go home and eat 3 bacon cheeseburgers with fries and a beer every day (kind of overdoing it), then the results you will have will be limited. Get focused and eat for fuel not pleasure.
Moral of the Story:
If you are really serious about getting fit, then you have to put in the effort in all aspects of getting fit. Look up healthy alternatives for your favorite foods, drink more water instead of soft drinks, and continue to get your exercise in. I can personally vouch that when I changed my diet to eat more vegetables I lost 8 lbs. It is tough but the outcome is worth the effort.
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
In a previous post I talked about how you need to surround yourself with people who are motivated and like minded to your ambition. Now I want to talk about actually getting rid of negative people. There will be people in your circle that unfortunately you may have to eliminate. If all they bring to the table is things that are no good then you need to let go. For example, if you're looking to get your high school diploma but all your friends are cutting class and skipping school then they are not on the same page. THERE'S LEVELS TO THIS. You can't let ANYONE get in your way of your goals. Of course don't just say bye to them just like that. I suggest trying to bring them to your level but if you can't then they need to figure it out on their own. Stick to your path. The higher you go the more frequent you'll find people just like you.
Moral of the Story:
Sometimes on the road to success you will lose people on the way. It may be tough but understand that if they aren't helping you achieve your goals then they are working against them. Keep GRINDING. It'll all work out in the end.
Monday, August 8, 2016
The Golden State Warriors went 73-9 this NBA season. That is the best NBA season record in history. It's better than any Magic Johnson led Lakers, Larry Bird led Celtics, or even Michael Jordan led Bulls team. They went through the playoffs and had some bumps but eventually got to the NBA finals. However they lost in the Final to the eventual champion Cleveland Cavaliers. Did they have a successful season? Or are they failures? Well that can only be determined by how you look at it. Success is a perception. It's something that we determine in our mind. What might seem like success to some may seem like failure to others. When you lose 2 lbs even though you wanted to lose 5 lbs remember that is a success. If you lift 225 lbs in the bench press instead of 240 but you went up 10 lbs, that still is a success. Your mind is the only one saying you're not successful. Appreciate the small accomplishments.
Moral of the Story:
Even if you don't accomplish your big goal take a look at all the little ones you did accomplish. Yes you may have not have reached the ultimate goal, but in those situations, you must sit down and realize how far you have come. You're still successful, you're still a winner. In due time your bigger goals will be accomplished but for now appreciate what you have done. Reach for the moon even if you miss you'll land among the stars.
Saturday, August 6, 2016
#GloUpGear email me at for more info on getting some gear if you're interested.
Friday, August 5, 2016
Glo Up Box Jump workout
Box jumps 2 x 10 jumps
Double Box jump 2 x 10 jumps
Sitting Box jumps 2 x 10 jumps
Side Box jumps 2 x 10 total jumps
Quick Box steps 2 x 1 minute
Doctors hang out with other doctors. Athletes hang out with other athletes. Police officers hang out with other police officers. My question is who do you hang around? The people we hang around reflect who you are as a person. Are you hanging out with winners? Are you hanging out with people with not only goals, but people who are working towards those goals. Now I'm not saying for you to ditch your friends unless they are causing negative things in your life. What I am saying is if your friends aren't on the road to success, then either you may have to slim down the time you are around them or help them get motivated to get on the right path. Everybody has the potential to be great, some people just need it pulled out of them. Get your team stronger. Help each other get to the point where all of you are making MAJOR moves.
Moral of the Story:
Everyone in your team should be eating, but everyone needs to bring food to the table. What I mean by that is that everyone you hang you around with has the right to be successful, but you all need to have that like-mindedness of working to get to the next level, whether you want to be a personal trainer, your friend wants to design video games, your other friend wants to be a doctor, and your other friend wants to help the youth. Have a team full of savages.
Thursday, August 4, 2016
It's Thursday. The week is almost over everybody! You've got over the hump, you've put in the work all week. Finally you can start to relax right? Wrong. When you are almost done that is when you need to kick it into another gear. When you watched Kobe Bryant play he always played at a high level. What made him great was the way he finished games. Bring out your inner Kobe. Be the closer. Raise your performance level even when you're close to your goals. As soon as you let up that's when you give opportunity for others to catch up to you, just like if you relax the work might pile up on you.
Moral of the Story:
Keep grinding no matter how close you are. Never coast. Simple as that. Always give 120% effort regardless of if it is Monday or Friday. Don't run to the finish line. Run through it.
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Glo Up Arm Toning workout August 2, 2016
Push-up with arm raise for 3 second hold for 2 x 1 minute
Push-up with fly hold for 3 seconds for 2 x 1 minute
Alternating Bench Press 2 x 1 minute
Dips 2 x 1 minute or until failure
Pull up supinated grip 2 x 1 minute or until failure
Have you ever felt like no matter how hard you try, you're not improving at something or not progressing as you liked? I'm sure most people feel that way at some point in their life. Whether it be that their business isn't growing fast enough, they're not losing weight fast enough, or they can't gain muscle. The one thing we forget a lot of times is to appreciate the process. Have you ever looked at the small progressions you've made? For some that may be that they actually started to work on getting healthy by checking out my website. For others it could be that they gained 5 lbs of muscle. Be proud of what you have done but don't be content. Keep fighting to reach those goals of yours. You have already come too far to stop now.
Moral of the Story:
When you're looking to down the road to success and you feel you have a long way to go, take a look at how far you've come. You have changed your lifestyle, changed your habits, committed to excellence. Your hopes and dreams become more and more obtainable the more you work and push towards the finish line.
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
My favorite quote which is actually tattooed on my body is "Hard work beats talent, when talent fails to work hard". The quote was made by Tim Notke but I first heard it from Kevin Durant. That quote has stuck with me through a lot of times where I just had to keep working. Everyone wants to be successful. At your job, everyone wants a raise or to be promoted. On your sports team, everyone, wants to start or play more, perform the best. The question is how hard are you willing to work to actually get those things? Being successful has nothing to do with talent. It has nothing to do with being the fastest, the strongest, or the smartest. Eric Thomas said it best, it's not about phenomenal skill, it is about phenomenal will. Are you willing to put in more work than your competition? The guy at your job who is a natural salesman, are you willing to outwork him? The girl who is a more skilled soccer player, are you willing to practice longer than her? That is what it is going to take. Whatever it takes you must do.
Moral of the story:
It doesn't matter if you are talented at something if you don't work you can only go so far. People may not believe in you but once they see that grind they can't help but respect it and pay attention. If you talk a good game with no action then from many people's perspective you really don't want to do it. So grind until you can't anymore.
Monday, August 1, 2016
Staying Healthy on the Weekends
Staying Healthy on the Weekends
The weekend is over and for some it was just pleasant rest and relaxation. For others it meant partying, late nights, and cheat foods. What's the hard part of eating is maintaining all the work you put in all week eating, healthy, getting exercise, and getting rest. That discipline you had suddenly disappears. With a little focus and dedication, you can maintain your healthy habits while still having fun. Here are some tips.
1. Make fitness a lifestyle.
If you are really about becoming fit and changing yourself, then it comes with sacrifices. That may mean taking a couple less shots, not drinking that beer, or not going for a late night fast food run. Make sure that even on the weekend you still get a workout in as well. My suggestion is to never go more than 3 days without working out. If you really want to lose weight, build muscle, or increase your health then you may want to tone it down a little with the turn up.
2. Bring your own healthy food.
I can honestly say that in my past I have made that late night ride to McDonald's or in Boston there's places like Hen House or Chau Chows. Binging at restaurants like that is detrimental to your work that you put in. My suggestion to solving that problem is maybe bringing food that you can leave in the car if you drive to the club or wherever you are going. Now don't get me wrong, having McDonald's or other fast food isn't bad once in a while. The problem lies when you are over eating it. So bring maybe some of that extra food you have left over from the week. Not only does this help your diet and goals, it helps your wallet out too.
3. Workout longer on the weekend.
If you work a 9-5, chances are you have Saturday and Sunday off. That gives you more time to get a longer workout in. During the week you may not have the time to take that Zumba class or go for a 30 minute run through your neighborhood. Take the opportunity to treat your body and get a good hard workout in without the rush of knowing you have to go to work the next day.
4. Moderate the amount of alcohol you drink.
A lot of people probably read this part and exited the post. For those still reading this is very important. Drinking a moderate amount of liquor is fine if you are still drinking while staying focused on getting healthy. The question is what is a moderate amount? While that is debatable here is an example of what a drink actually is.
Examples of one drink include:
Beer: 12 fluid ounces (355 milliliters)
Wine: 5 fluid ounces (148 milliliters)
Distilled spirits (80 proof): 1.5 fluid ounces (44 milliliters)
A suggestion of mine would be to learn your limit yourself to one drink for women and 2 drinks for men.
Having fun on the weekend and keeping your healthy lifestyle afloat can be tough. It will take discipline, dedication, and sacrifice. But if you are truly in to the Glo Up Fitness movement and are looking to get healthy and fit then you will achieve your goals while still being able to TURN UP.
When I graduated high school, I got a summer job working at the Registry of Motor Vehicles. Not most 17 year old's dream summer job. I primarily wanted to work at Foot Locker. To me that was the coolest job you could have at my age. My mother wouldn't allow me to give up the RMV job because the pay was higher. So I ended up working that job and in the long run it was better. My friends who had "cool" jobs all thought it was funny that I worked there, but complained about money issues while I was doing quite well for myself. I always had money to go out and when I went back to school I had plenty of cash stashed. The reason why I'm mentioning this is that in order to get what you want sometimes you have to do the things that others don't want to do. That may mean working a job you don't like, staying in and studying instead of going out and partying, or eating healthy foods instead of going out to get fast food. With reward comes sacrifice. It is part of the process.
Moral of the Story:
Put in the work now so you can be on top later on. At this point you may feel like it is too hard but just remember hard is not impossible. You are great. Sometimes it takes a little sacrifice to get you to the point you really want to be at. Jerry Rice said it best, “Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't.”
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