Saturday, January 21, 2017

Teamwork Makes The Dream Work!

Teamwork is an amazing concept. It brings ideas into fruition, sharpens minds like iron, and grows into excellence. At any job you may work, or craft you may pick up, there will be a team that you are apart of. Depending on the career/profession you take up, the teammates will vary. As apart of a team you must learn to trust your wings.

Teamwork endows each member a magical power, one that works amazingly with that of another teammate. As a team you improve one another, learn from one another, and have faith in the ability of one another. You bounce ideas and stir the creative juices.

Teamwork turns the conglomerate into a band of masons. Builders. With teamwork, a group becomes so focused with a multiplied momentum towards their vision. Sometimes I may not have the answer or may have a small problem with an obstacle. I can always count on Marcus, Mo or Brandon to consistently offer an effective solution and that works vice versa within our team.

Trust your Team. Once you've made the decision to start a journey with a team, you must commit to be successful as a team. Having trust also means being diligent with your team by means of communication and being open minded. Utilize everyone and things will come together excellent. There's much more I can say on teamwork but I will leave this here. More articles to come, Peace.

- Henry Alston Jr.

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