Friday, January 6, 2017

How to lift with Power!

Everyone is always looking for that edge to improve their performance whether its physically or mentally. Here's a step by step performance enhancer that you won't see on any commercial....yet. 


So the order of the performance enhancing method begins with the Mind. Using the mind to lift is a key concept in developing your power and awakening the sleeping giant inside. How do you use the mind? For example, when doing dumbbell bench press, use the mind to focus on both dumbbells. Completely relax the body and mind before lifting the dumbbells up. You're ready. Use your mind to focus and lift the dumbbells. From here, tell yourself to "Lower" and "Lift" (Up and Down) the dumbbells within your mind.

The next in order is Breathe.

As you're lifting, incorporate your breathing while staying relaxed and focused with the weight being held. Keep the breathing nice and light and refrain from inhaling heavily, especially right before lifting the weight up again. Next, is to incorporate muscle strength.

So, as you're controlling the dumbbells with the mind, breathing nice and easy, you want to start to incorporate strength from the muscles. In this case it would be mostly chest and triceps. You'll notice the difference in power if you take this step by step in your sets.

Rise. The last of the step by step performance enhancer is to INCORPORATE THE SPIRIT. We all do it naturally when we begin to tire from a workout so this should be quite easy to perform. The spirit is letting that beast out for some people, and the spirit is scripture or mantras for others; And for many it simply comes in the form of enhanced energy. Everything is energy. Your thought begins it. Your emotions amplify it and your actions increases its momentum. All SPIRIT can be enhanced and developed when use is Practiced. 

As you continue through your sets, knocking your reps off like light work, you must learn to bring all of these together masterfully. You will get good with more effort. Remember it all starts with the mind and then everything flows into play. 

For those final heavier reps, stay relaxed and put this method into action! This technique is excellent when building mass and being bad ass how you handle the workouts full of super sets. You got it, just Glo Up!

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