Monday, January 9, 2017

Most People Won't Be Successful


I talk about how everyone is going to be successful, but I've come to the conclusion that not everyone will be. It is not a shot taken at anyone, it is simply the fact that not everyone will put in the 3 simple things that are required to be successful. Faith, Consistency, and Hard Work. I challenge those who want to be successful to put those 3 actions into your goals. Do you REALLY want to be successful? Some of you don't. But some of you do, some apply the faith, consistency, and hard work then you will have success.

10 minute workout

Floor Dips 2 x 1 minute

Inchworm pushups 2 x 1 minute

Crunches 2 x 1 minute

Bicycle Kicks 2 x 1 minute

Flutter Kicks 2 x 1 minute

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