Tuesday, February 28, 2017

#HenryHealthTips: Meditation

Faith is powerful medicine. 

What is meditation? Meditation is the act or practice of  consciously directing your attention to positively alter your state of consciousness. There are many things you can direct your attention toward: symbols, sounds, colors, prayer, breathing, elevating your thoughts, and more. Meditation is simply about where you direct your attention and how it alters your consciousness.

Meditation develops faith and spiritual growth as well as many other benefits. It is a valuable practice to attain peaceful relaxation, an emotional, mental and physical oasis even. Stress relief is gained through meditation, something that is so crucial in this fast-paced, ever-changing world in which we all live in together.  

There is strong evidence of the correlation between the practice of meditation and health. Meditation promotes healing, emotional cleansing and as well as deepens concentration and develops insight and intuition. Meditation manifests change in your consciousness, unlocks creativity and offers inner guidance. 

People who meditate experience lower blood pressure, lower stress levels, and greater success towards their goals (probably due majorly to the increased focus and diligence). Also, those who meditate, when they are recovering from any illness or injury, heal much faster than those who don't practice meditation.

In future content, I will drop some info on the guidelines to meditation. I hope this info was helpful and offered some light onto the phenomenon that is meditation. Please, share your stories with me on how meditation has changed your life for the better or simply has gotten you through hardships or past obstacles by writing the hashtag #HenryHealthTips on IG or leave a comment below!

Heal Week Workout 2.27.17

Improving Your Shooting Fundamentals

Improving Your Shooting Form

Many basketball players young and old idolize to shoot like the stars of the NBA like Steph Curry, Klay Thompson, and Kyrie Irving, yet don't have the fundamentals to shoot like them. An important part of being a great shooter is mastering the form. Mastering a better form will allow you to develop consistency to hit open shots, shots in transition, shots off the dribble, or off the catching and shooting. Here are some keys to developing your shooting form. 


Not Everyone's Shooting Form is the Same

I'm not going to tell you that there is a default shooting form that everyone should do. Not everyone will shoot with the EXACT same form. Klay Thompson's form is totally different from Reggie Miller's. Don't think because one person shoots a certain way then that is the be all end all. But the key is to get the fundamental parts down so that your form works for you. 


Stand Your Ground

Footwork is one of the most critical things in the game of basketball. So much can be altered just by not having your feet in the proper place and at the proper angle. When shooting, you want the shooting side for to be planted first, toes directed to the basket. You don't want to have your opposite side foot planted first because you will be turning your body altering your shot. Proper footwork will make it so that you are squared to the basket.

Be Ready to Shoot


One of my biggest pet peeves is watching players stand straight up when getting ready to shoot. Wasted movement can cause a wide open shot to disappear. Think about it. You come up high, to go down low, to come up high. That makes no sense. That .5 seconds that you wasted could cause you to not be able to get off a quality shot for the game winner or cause you to have no option but to pass. Make sure you have your feet planted and you're balanced, but also remain low with knees bent. My favorite comparison is a sling shot. Do you push the sling shot forward, to pull it back, to sling it forward again? No you don't. So make sure when you are ready to shoot you are loaded.

Aim Your Scope


The title of this section is understandable to someone who plays Call of Duty. When you shoot a target you must aim your scope, otherwise you will miss. Same with basketball. Your elbow is your scope. You need to make sure when you're shooting, your elbow is underneath the ball and directed at the basket. Now I'm not saying it has to be perfectly directed. Your elbow can be slightly out. If you want to work on getting the elbow in, work on your mobility in your shoulders.

Shoot Up, Not Forward

Sometimes it accounts to strength, but too many times athletes will push their shot towards the basket. I see this the most in young players do this, but many times it happens with older players because simply lack of fundamentals. My favorite player in the NBA to give an example of this is Klay Thompson. He releases and pushes the ball high. Your goal is to get the ball over the basket. Not to the rim.

Shoot with Positivity

How many people enjoy negativity? I hope nobody said they do.  One of my favorite sayings when it comes to shooting is "Positive Shots Only". What I mean by that is shooting on the way up not on the drop. Think about the science of shooting for a moment. Why would you release on your way down from shooting when the ball is going to go down with you rather than shoot on the way up so the ball goes up with you and gets a higher arc? The higher the arc the better chance you have of making the shot. Remember your goal is to not hit the rim. Your goal is to get over the rim with your shot. So never forget shoot on the rise (Positivity) not on the drop (Negativity). NO NEGATIVE SHOTS.

Look at the Flick of The Wrist

Snapping the wrist is such an underrated and under appreciated part of shooting.  Flicking the wrist gives you a good projectile motion to impart to the ball along with the direction and power that you are putting in. When flicking the wrist, the last thing that should touch the ball should be your middle finger. Make sure you emphasize that into your practice of your release.

I hope this helps you improve your shooting fundamentals and takes you to the next level. Never forget to master the fundamentals. Once you master them, the tricks become easy. Please share this with others if you learned something and tag Glo Up Fitness to it as well on Facebook or Instagram.

~Marcus Brown~

Keep Sleeping on Me. You're in For a Rude Awakening


10 minute workout

X Pushup 2 x 1 minute

V Ups 2 x 1 minute

Single Leg Dead lift 2 x 1 minute (Left)

Single Leg Dead lift 2 x 1 minute (Right)

Bear Crawl 2 x 1 minute

Monday, February 27, 2017



10 minute workout

Side Lunges 2 x 1 minute (Left)

Side Lunges 2 x 1 minute (Right)

Sumo Squat Walks 2 x 1 minute

Plank Leg Lifts 2 x 1 minute

Friday, February 24, 2017

Stopping Your Laziness


10 minute workout

Plank 2 x 1 minute

Crunches 2 x 1 minute

Double Crunch 2 x 1 minute

Reverse Crunch 2 x 1 minute

Plank Reach 2 x 1 minute

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Be The Comeback Kid!


12 minute workout

Elvis Thrusts 2 x 1 minute

Sumo Squats 2 x 1 minute

Side Leg Swings 2 x 1 minute (Left)

Side Leg Swings 2 x 1 minute (Right)

Adductor Swings 2 x 1 minute (Left)

Adductor Swings 2 x 1 minute (Right)

Wednesday, February 22, 2017




10 minute workout

Plank Jacks 2 x 1 minute

Plank Jumps 2 x 1 minute

Plank Ups 2 x 1 minute

Rocking Planks 2 x 1 minute

Reverse Planks 2 x 1 minute

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Greatness is Upon You


10 minute workout

Single Leg Glute Bridges (Left) 2 x 1 minute

Single Leg Glute Bridges (Right) 2 x 1 minute

Pause Squats 2 x 1 minute

Skaters 2 x 1 minute

Lunge Jumps 2 x 1 minute

Monday, February 20, 2017

Mentality of Legends


10 minute workout

Donkey Kicks (Left) 2 x 1 minute

Donkey Kicks (Right) 2 x 1 minute

Side Leg Raises (Left) 2 x 1 minute

Side Leg Raises (Right) 2 x 1 minute

Good Mornings 2 x 1 minute

Friday, February 17, 2017

4 Assets That Make People Rich


10 minute workout

Jumping Jacks 1 x 2 minutes

High Kicks 1 x 2 minutes

Side Kicks 1 x 2 minutes

High Knees 1 x 2 minutes

Tuck Jumps 2 x 1 minute

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Billionaire Motivation


Long video but a MUST WATCH

10 minute workout

Diamond Pushups 2 x 1 minute

Chair Dips 2 x 1 minute

Wall Pushups 2 x 1 minute

Reverse Wall Pushups 2 x 1 minute

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Summer 17 Glo Up Glute Plan

Summer 17 Glo Up Glute Plan


Thank you to those checking out this program. As a part of creating fitness as a lifestyle Glo Up Fitness is posting a 4 week glute hypertrophy plan to help those looking to increase the size of their quadriceps, hamstrings, and also lift and increase size as well in the glutes created by Marcus Brown. Hypertrophy is is a method of strength training intended to induce the fastest muscle growth possible, without losing efficacy over an extended period of time, and without the use of anabolic steroids. For the ladies afraid of lifting and gaining too much muscle and not looking feminine I can assure you that that is a myth. Lifting heavy does not cause you to lose your femininity in your body. In fact if you want to increase the size in your legs and glutes it won't happen unless you lift heavy. For those ready to take it to the next level, follow this workout program and send us your results. Include your name, a before picture, and an after picture. 

 Certain exercises require you to lift a percentage of the maximum amount you can lift. The link below will be able to calculate your percentages.

1 Rep Max Calculator


Once you have this all taken care of, you can get to work and start your transformation. When you complete the 4 week program make sure you send us a before and after picture. If you post it on your Facebook or Instagram profile, tag us in it. Good luck and remember this takes hard work, so don't cheat the program.


Make sure you rest between weightlifting  days. Not having a rest day between weightlifting days can cause injury, overworking your body, and will not give you the results you are looking for.

Day 1

Back Squat - 4 x 6 reps 60-70% maximum weight   (Rest 1-2 minutes)

Romanian Dead-lift - 3 x 8 reps  (Rest 1-2 minutes) 

Dumbbell Weighted Hip Extension - 3 x 10-12 reps (Choose weight) (Rest 90 seconds)

Front to Side Lunge w/ dumbbells - 3 x 8-10 reps (Rest 90 seconds)

Hip Step Ups - 3 x 10-12 reps each leg (Rest 90 seconds)

Cable Glute Ham Raises - 3 x 10-12 reps (Rest 90 seconds)

Cable Hip Abduction - 3 x 10-12 reps each side (90 seconds)

Single Leg Squats (Hold dumbbells up while performing) - 3 x 8-10 reps each side (90 seconds)

Day 2

Dead-lift - 4 x 6 reps 70% maximum weight (Rest 1-2 minutes)

Sumo Squats w/ V Machine - 4 x 8-10 reps 60% maximum weight (Rest 1-2 minutes)

Single Leg Pistol Squat - 3 x 8-10 reps each leg  (Rest 45 seconds-1 minute)

Weighted Back Extensions - 3 x 10-12 reps (Rest 60-90 seconds) (Use Plate for weight)

Standing Cable Adduction - 3 x 10-12 reps each side (Rest 60-90 seconds) 

Cable Donkey Kickbacks - 3 x 10-12 reps each side (Rest 60-90 seconds)

Dumbbell Split Squats - 3 x 15 reps (Rest 1 minute)

Day 3

Weighted Hip Extension w/ Barbell & weight - 4 x 8-10 reps (Rest 1-2 minutes)

Good Mornings - 4 x 6-8 reps 50% maximum weight   (Rest 1-2 minutes) (Don't over-do weight)

Hack Lunges - 4 x 8-10 reps 60% maximum weight (Rest 1-2 minutes)

Reverse Single Leg Leg Press - 4 x 8-10 reps each leg  (Rest 60-90 seconds)

Squat & Dumbbell Bicep Curl  - 4 x 10-12 reps (Rest 60 seconds)

Kettle Bell Swing Squats - 3 x 10-15 reps (Rest 60 seconds)

Step Ups - 3 x 1 minute (hard knee drives up) (Rest 30 seconds)

Band Side Steps - 3 x 1 minute

HIIT & Cardio

This part of the program is extremely important to reaching your goals. In order to burn fat, tone the stomach, and lift the glutes, HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) and Cardio are a necessity. Here are some reasons why.


  .       Increases your metabolism. 

   .       Increases heart & lung strength. 

   .       Burns more calories   


 Make sure you are pushing yourself. If you are looking to get the results you want then you need to  take yourself to the next level when performing any exercise.

Option 1 

Squat Scotch

Squat w/In and Out x 3 up and down

Squat with Double In and Out Step x 3 up and down

Squat in and Out w/ Turn to side x 3 up and down

Squat hold walk x 3 up and down

Squat hold side walk x 3 up and down

  Option 2

20 minute treadmill interval

   Time      Speed

0:00-3:00 - 3.0

3:00-5:00 - 4.5

5:00-6:00 - 6.0

6:00-8:00 - 4.5

8:00-9:00 - 6.0

9:00-11:00 - 4.5

11:00-12:00 - 6.0

12:00-14:00 - 4.5

14:00-15:00 - 6.0

15:00-17:00 - 4.5

17:00-20:00 - 3.0

Option 3

Squat Pulse 3 x 1 minute

Squat Jumps 3 x 1 minute

Lunge Jumps 3 x 1 minute

Skaters 3 x 1 minute

Sumo Squats Pulses 3 x 1 minute

Tuck Jumps 3 x 1 minute

Line Jumps 3 x 1 minute

Side Line Jumps 3 x 1 minute

Option 4

Sprinting Workout

4 x 50 meters (Rest on the walk back to the line)

3 x 100 meters (Rest on the walk back to the line) 

2 x 150 meters (Rest on the walk back tot the line)

Option 5


You can choose from any high intensity exercise whether it be playing basketball, running, or a dance class. Make sure you are performing something that will challenge you. Make sure you push yourself.



Valentine's Day Motivation & 10 minute Workout


10 minute workout (Valentine's Day Edition)

Glute Bridges 2 x 1 minute

Bowing Pushups 2 x 1 minute

Upward Dog Pushups 2 x 1 minute

Side Lunges 2 x 1 minute

Sumo Squats 2 x 1 minute

Monday, February 13, 2017

Make Sure You Have Friends With Benefits


10 minute workout

Jumping Jacks 1 x 2 minute

Jumping Knee Tucks 1 x 2 minutes

Mountain Climbers 1 x 2 minutes

Plank Jacks 1 x 2 minutes

Fire Feet 1 x 2 minute

Friday, February 10, 2017

Mental Wealth. You can be wealthy without collecting 1 dollar


10 minute workout

Single Leg Deadlift 2 x 1 minute (Left)

Single Leg Deadlift 2 x 1 minute (Right)

Bodyweight Dips 2 x 1 minute

Crunches 2 x 1 minute

Sprawls 2 x 1 minute

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Marcus Miami Trip 4 Week Workout (Part 1)

Marcus Miami Trip 4 Week Workout  (Part 1)

What's up everyone! In 2017 I will be going to Miami in May so I will be looking to build more muscle. Here is a preview of my workout.

Day 1

Bench press 3 x 6 reps (70% max Week 1)(80% Week 2) (75% Week 3) (70% Week 4)

Military Press 3 x 6 reps (70% max Week 1)(80% Week 2) (75% Week 3) (70% Week 4)

Upright Rows 3 x 8 reps

Flat Bench Dumbbell Flys 3 x 8 reps

Pec-Deck Machine 3 x 10 reps

Shoulder Shrugs 3 x 10 reps

Cable Raises 3 x 10 reps each arm

Cable Crossover 3 x 8

Day 2 

Back Box Squat 3 x 5 (60% max)(70% max) (65% max) (60% max)

Hang Cleans 3 x 5 (60% max)(70% max) (65% max) (60% max)

Romanian Deadlift 3 x 6 

Single Leg Cable Extensions 3 x 8 each leg

Single Leg Curls 3 x 8 each leg

Barbell Lunges 3 x 8 each side 

Hip Abduction 3 x 10 each side

Hip Adduction 3 x 10 each side

Kettlebell Sumo Squats 3 x 10

Day 3 

Barbell Bicep Curl 3 x 8

Reverse EZ Bar Bicep Curl 3 x 8

Tricep Extension 3 x 10

Preacher Curls 3 x 6

Bicep Cable Curl (Neutral Grip) 3 x 8

Rope Cable Pull Downs 3 x 8

Pull Ups 3 x 8 

Dips 3 x 8

Remember Who You Are!


10 minute workout

Donkey Kicks 2 x 1 minute (Left)

Donkey Kicks 2 x 1 minute (Right)

Single Leg Hip Lift 2 x 1 minute (Left)

Single Leg Hip Lift 2 x 1 minute (Right)

Sumo Squat Jumps 2 x 1 minute (Right)

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Stop Being a Worker! Have a Boss Mentality!


10 minute workout

V-Tucks 2 x 1 minute

Russian Twists 2 x 1 minute

Reverse Crunch 2 x 1 minute

Scissor Crunch 2 x 1 minute

 Bicycle Kicks 2 x 1 minute

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Ending Financial Sabotage


10 minute workout

Side Lunge Hops 2 x 1 minute

Butt Kicks 2 x 1 minute

High Knees 2 x 1 minute

Twisting Mountain Climbers 2 x 1 minute

Wide Squat Burpee 2 x 1 minute (No Jumping)

Monday, February 6, 2017

Even When You're Down You Have To Believe


10 minute workout

Glut Bridges 2 x 1 minute

Squats 2 x 1 minute

Sumo Squats 2 x 1 minute

Donkey Kicks 2 x 1 minute (Left)

Donkey Kicks 2 x 1 minute (Right)

Friday, February 3, 2017

Take Action


10 minute

Jumping Jacks 2 x 1 minute

Mountain Climbers 2 x minute

Squat Pulses 2 x 1 minute

Jumping Side Lunges 2 x 1 minute

High Knees 2 x 1 minute

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Know Who You Are


During Black History Month one thing that is really important to me is for people of color to know who they are and even when people tell you you history is only your ancestors being slaves, you know that that isn't true. So to everyone out there, remember, you come from great lineage, and you are a great person destined for greatness.

10 minute workout

Pushup with chest touch 2 x 1 minute

Plank Pushup 2 x 1 minute

Clap Pushups 2 x 1 minute

Diamond Pushup 2 x 1 minute

1 Leg Up Pushup 2 x 1 minute

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Dominate Everything You Do


10 minute workout

Crunches 2 x 1 minute

Leg Raises 2 x 1 minute

Flutter Kicks 2 x 1  minute

Plank 2 x 1 minute

Side Plank (Left) 2 x 30 seconds

Side Plank (Right) 2 x 30 seconds