Tuesday, October 25, 2016

When you do something, You have to do it right (Happy Birthday Dad)


My father told me something over and over and over as a child. When you do something, you have to do it right. I would get so frustrated that he would make me do something over and over to make sure it was exactly how it is supposed to be. Whether it was making my bed or mowing the lawn it had to be done right. Today I apply that to my life in so many ways. I believe to be successful at something you must do it right. Whether you're studying to be a doctor or trying to get healthy, you must do it the right way. That means taking the time to study and block out distractions or eating right and exercising frequently. You can't cheat the grind and expect to prosper so stay faithful to it and prepare for success. 

If nobody tells you today, I love you, I'm proud of you and you will be successful.

Happy Birthday Marcus Brown Sr.

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