Friday, October 21, 2016

Excuses on not living healthy

Excuses on not living healthy

Glo Up Fitness was created to bring the health and fitness lifestyle to the world. In the United States alone, more than 1/3 of American adults are overweight. This is due to the era of convenience. We don’t “have time” to do simple things that maintain our health. We drive to work, work 8-10 hours a day, drive home or take public transportation, then when we arrive home we are exhausted. To entertain ourselves we watch television, play video games, or watch Netflix. Since we are tired we don’t want to cook so we order out or heat up a microwave dinner. After that we don’t want to exercise or say we will go tomorrow which we never do. These things relate to the health issues many Americans face today. Many of us are notorious for making excuses for not living healthy as well. For example, “I don’t have time to work out” or “Eating healthy is expensive”. These are both fallacies. Here is some information to break these myths and some others.

Eating healthy is expensive

For those who live the 9-5 life delivery is always on speed dial. When you order food chances are your meal is between $8-10. If it is less you have to buy more because for delivery there usually a minimum you have to spend. Add in the delivery fee and tip and you’re probably spending $15-20 for your meal. The total cost of you buying out over time outweighs the amount you’d spend on groceries. Now imagine if you spent $30 and that food lasted you 1-2 weeks. That is extremely possible. The Glo Up Fitness team does it every week. Also learn about meal prepping. The night before you start your week, try cooking enough food to last you the week and put it in tupawares to take with you every day. That will help you eat healthier and also portion your meals so you don’t over eat.

I don’t have time to workout

We all have busy lives. Our days probably range from 10-14 hours every day when it comes to travel to work, working the day, and then traveling back home. Most people get home around 6-7 sit on the couch and that is it for the night. When it comes to life, we prioritize things we want to do. Now most people will say they don’t have time for the gym, but will still tell you the next day on how they binge watched Luke Cage. Now for some, they may not have a way of getting there but there are also other options. For example, going for jogs and exercising in your house. Another thing that is fun is to make watching TV an exercise game. Try doing pushups or sit-ups during the commercial break or even every time a character does a certain thing do 10 jumping jacks. It’ll definitely make that episode of Love & Hip Hop a little more interesting. Also on the Glo Up Fitness website we have 10 minute exercises that’ll get you a good quick workout. Here’s one to start you off.

I’m too tired

When you work out, it gives you more energy as funny as that may sound. In a study published in the journal “Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics” in 2008, University of Georgia researchers found that inactive folks who normally complained of fatigue could increase energy by 20% while decreasing fatigue by as much as 65% by simply participating in regular, low-intensity exercise. Your body is literally being woken up when you work out. Your metabolism increases, you become less fatigued, and your blood flow increases. Often times when we are tired we think the option to wake up is by drinking coffee, energy drinks, and soda. Try exercise and drinking more water one day and see how that helps. And next time you’re thinking I wish I could go work out but I’m just too tired think of this article.

I don’t know how to work out

This is where Glo Up Fitness comes in. All the videos, fitness advice, and even personal training we supply can help you get active. We are more than willing to speak with anyone in regards to helping you exercise, whether that is in person, online, and even over the phone at times. Trainers in general are always willing to give you advice whether you are their client or not so don’t be afraid to ask someone for help. Most gyms have trainers walking around anyways. Even if you see a person who isn’t a trainer but you see that they know what they’re doing sometimes will help. The key to getting knowledge yourself is to set realistic goals, get a trainer or exercise buddy, and keep a log of your workouts. Keeping a log will keep you organized and on a path by seeing your progress written down. Whatever you do to get yourself active stay on it and remember Glo Up Fitness is here to support you.

My friends and family don’t eat healthy

Doctors hang around doctors, athletes hang around athletes, and pastors hang around pastors. When you hang around certain people you tend to develop qualities they carry. Now your friends and family may not eat healthy and that is one thing, but to say that they are the reason you don’t eat healthy is not a legit excuse. For example someone may say their spouse only eats junk therefore that’s all I can eat or your parents only cook junk so that is all you can eat. Take control of the situation. Start helping with the cooking. Start helping with the grocery shopping. Even try discussing how you are looking to eat healthy to your friends and family. You may even start their healthy living journey. If those don’t work then you may have to do your own food shopping which may also influence your friends and family.

I don’t know how to cook

From the feedback heard from why people don’t live healthy, I’ve heard I don’t know how to cook healthy food so many times it is actually mind boggling. When you go on Facebook, you see those videos on how to make things such as buffalo chicken lasagna or super cakes. Now we take the time to watch the whole video, look up the ingredients, buy the ingredients, and cook these dishes, but we can’t take the time to look up healthy options? You don’t have to be a gourmet chef to eat healthy. Have you ever tried to steam vegetables? It is pretty elementary. Have you ever baked or grilled chicken? It isn’t too hard right? If you don’t know how to do something, the only way to do it is by learning how to do it. There are plenty of healthy food options out there for you that taste amazing. Here is a link as well for those who can’t find somewhere to look.

Working out is too hard

The final one that you hear the most is working out is too hard. To be completely honest about this excuse, it is completely bogus. Anything in life worth having takes work. Things like relationships, great jobs, money, and your health all require some type of effort to get and maintain. So when you say it is too hard do you really want to be healthy? If you don’t know what to do you can contact us and we can help you plan out your workout program as well as healthy eating. We want you to embrace the life of living healthy. We’ve done research on exercises and programs for you to take that part out of your effort. You may sweat a little, feel out of breath, or get some soreness, but once you notice you have more energy and working out becomes a part of your life, you won’t feel the same way you do now about it being hard. You will chuckle remembering the days when you couldn’t climb the stairs without feeling winded. You will giggle about how you couldn’t do 10 pushups. You will smile over the thought of how you used to think working out was such a chore. The Glo Up is coming for you. The hardest part of working out is starting to work out. Once you’re in you won’t want to stop.

If there's an excuse that may have been left out feel free to comment or message us about it and we can help you work on cutting that excuse out too.

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