Monday, October 17, 2016

When Opportunity Knocks


We all are waiting for that opportunity we are working hard for. We all talk about getting that managerial position or being put in the starting line up, but when it happens, what are you going to do? Are you prepared? Are you going to crack under the newly added pressure or are you going to embrace it? Jimmy Garoppolo was put in a position where he had to start for one of the premiere teams in the NFL against one of the other premiere teams in the NFL. He embraced the challenge and won the game. The reason why was he was preparing for that moment and when it finally came he welcomed it and took advantage of it. When your opportunity knocks, welcome it at the door. Greet it with the most enthusiasm you could ever give. Do whatever you can do make sure you take full advantage of your opportunity.Image result for when opportunity knocks quote

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