Friday, July 29, 2016



When I was in high school, I had someone tell me that they didn't I was college material. They told me that it was best I was at a vocational school because they didn't suspect I would be able to go to college. Now to some that could've affected them to where they may not have made it to college, but I chose not to listen. Reason being is that from a small child I was always told I would go to college. My mother being a teacher and everyone else in my family including my father, aunts, uncles, and cousins all went to college. It was expected of me and I saw my value. I wasn't going to let someone break down the 14 years I was molded to believe that I was going to college one day. It only motivated me more. I believed from a child that if I put my mind to it I could do whatever I wanted. I could be president if I wanted to. A lot of times people will tell you that you can't do something or that you won't do it. They'll talk about how unlikely it is. If you believe in something or you want to do something don't let what another person's reality is become yours. Know your worth. You have the potential to be or do whatever you so desire if you put the work in.

Moral of the story:

People will try to tear you down because they weren't able to carry out their dreams. It may be because they stopped believing. Don't let that negative energy tear you down. The road to success may be hard for you to reach your goals and dreams but it's only hard. It's not impossible. In the great words of Kevin Garnett after winning an NBA championship after a 12 year wait "Anything is Possible".

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