Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Why do you wake up?

Why do you wake up?

Every morning at 6:30am my alarm goes off... Then at 6:45 it goes off again and I get up to go to work. I take a shower, I brush my teeth, I get dressed, I take my dog for a walk, then I head to work. I'm there from 8-4:30 Monday through Friday. Now at 4:30 I could give praise that my day is over..... but that isn't the case. Have I worked on my goals today? Have I progressed myself to move forward to my dreams at all today? I still have to "Go to Work". I may be tired from a long day. I work in customer service, but that doesn't mean I can stop. I'm going to keep GRINDING EVERY SINGLE DAY until I reach my goals, and even then I can't stop working. I don't even know what a day off is anymore. I remember as a kid I was watching a video of Kevin Garnett and he said "when you're not working on your craft, someone else is." My goal is to be able to inspire the world to be fit and live a healthy lifestyle so it looks like I have a long way to go to reach that. 

Moral of my morning rant:

Today I want anyone who reads this to not just go home today and crash on the couch. What are you looking to do in the future? What inspires you? What are your goals? Take some time today to go and work on those goals. Don't go to sleep without working on being who you want to be. Your future self will thank you. Think about that when you wake up.

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