Friday, July 29, 2016



When I was in high school, I had someone tell me that they didn't I was college material. They told me that it was best I was at a vocational school because they didn't suspect I would be able to go to college. Now to some that could've affected them to where they may not have made it to college, but I chose not to listen. Reason being is that from a small child I was always told I would go to college. My mother being a teacher and everyone else in my family including my father, aunts, uncles, and cousins all went to college. It was expected of me and I saw my value. I wasn't going to let someone break down the 14 years I was molded to believe that I was going to college one day. It only motivated me more. I believed from a child that if I put my mind to it I could do whatever I wanted. I could be president if I wanted to. A lot of times people will tell you that you can't do something or that you won't do it. They'll talk about how unlikely it is. If you believe in something or you want to do something don't let what another person's reality is become yours. Know your worth. You have the potential to be or do whatever you so desire if you put the work in.

Moral of the story:

People will try to tear you down because they weren't able to carry out their dreams. It may be because they stopped believing. Don't let that negative energy tear you down. The road to success may be hard for you to reach your goals and dreams but it's only hard. It's not impossible. In the great words of Kevin Garnett after winning an NBA championship after a 12 year wait "Anything is Possible".

Thursday, July 28, 2016



Two loves of mine are fitness and basketball which is why I work night and day to perfect my training in both to help the world. What I love is working with kids. I love helping a kid get better in the sport they play. I feel that since people took the time to work with me, it is my obligation to help the youth in my community. I believe if I give back that it will come back to me and that is my message today. When we become successful, many people tend to forget their roots. They forget who helped them reach the top. They forget the community they came from and how it helped mold them. Now I'm not saying that you owe the people or community who helped you anything but what I am saying is to give to the community you came from because it will help it grow which in the long run will help you grow. 

Moral of the Story:

As human beings, we can be selfish. We don't understand at times that strength comes in numbers. It is time we stop being crabs in a bucket and help those in your community so that they can rise too. If you can do that then that will show everyone how truly successful you are.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Exercises at work

Exercises at work

Many people including myself suffer from the chronic struggle of having an office job and sitting at a desk all day. You spend 9-5 sitting at a desk allowing your body to get stiff and not getting the opportunity to get exercise. But if you can be creative, there are plenty of ways to stay active in your cubicle. Here are some suggestions.
·       Desk Pushups

Desk pushups are one of my personal favorite. First make sure your desk is sturdy enough for you to actually put your weight on it. They can be a good workout for your arms especially when you're sitting at a desk with them laying on it the entire time you're typing. Try doing 15 pushups 3 times for a quick exercise along with the next few suggestions.
·       Chair Dips

If you’re looking to get your biceps pumping during the day chair dips can really be beneficial. Of course make sure your chair is sturdy and doesn’t move too much otherwise you could fall and that could lead to injury. While at work, try doing 15 chair dips 3 times to help sculpt your arm to become tone.

·       Taking the Stairs
I wasn’t going to leave cardio out of this. Every day the elevator seems so convenient. Taking the stairs not only burns calories, but it also raises your heart rate maximizing your cardio efforts while climbing the stairs. Also it affects your mind.  Your body releases chemical endorphins, a type of neurotransmitter, making you feel happy and calm. Over time, your ability to focus and concentrate will improve, and you will feel less stressed out. Your self-esteem and self-confidence will improve as you successfully meet your fitness goals, become more toned and muscular, and are less distracted by physical fatigue. To help with your cardio at work, try taking the stairs whenever you are changing floors instead of the elevator.  

·       Sitting on a Medicine Ball
Your regular office chair can be uncomfortable throughout the day. Slouching and sitting uncomfortably all day can cause issues to your back and also decrease core strength. If you’re looking to increase your strength try using a medicine ball to sit in throughout the day instead of a regular chair. You don’t have to sit on the ball all day but try maybe an 30 minutes to an hour of your day. If you can do more, then more power to you. While also on the medicine ball you have the opportunity to get stretching in as well, so if you are able to try that as well.


#GloUp Full Body Workout

#GloUp Full Body Workout

·        Weighted High Knee 5 x 5 reps each leg 
·        Leg Extensions 5 x 5 reps
·        Sit-up to the side on both sides 5 reps each side
·        Declined dumbbell bench press 5 x 5 reps
·        Alternating military press 5 x 5 reps each side




If there is one thing I can say about my father it is that he is a man of his word. I firmly believe in being about your word. I won't lie and say that I have always been that way but it is something that people respect when you hold your end of a bargain. People don't like talkers. They don't like people who just say they're going to do things and people who talk a talk but don't walk the walk. If you say you're going to do something be about it. If you say you are going to be at that meeting at 10am today be there on time. This will help create good habits for your grind. If you are "about that action" and are looking to accomplish what you're looking to achieve then stop talking and go do it. Talking isn't going to get you anywhere. 

Moral of the Story:

Be "about that action". If you want to accomplish something, whether it be, getting better grades, improving your relationship, or even getting fit. Be about it. The more you talk about it the more pressure there is to do it and if you don't do it you'll just be know as someone who talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Examples of Good and Bad Carbs, Fats, and Protein

The major macronutrients are essential to my future training endeavors because they increase energy levels, help you recover from exercise, and decrease appetite. Without the correct amounts of food the chemical composition of the body will be off balance and you can’t function.

Carbohydrate’s role in energy production is that they are the main source of energy. They affect bodily function, nerve function, and brain function. Carbohydrates when not used for energy are also stored as sugar or glucose. Here is a list of healthy carbohydrates.
·        Beans
·        Squash
·        Oatmeal
·        Quinoa
·        Sweet Potatoes
·        Bananas
·        Berries

Carbohydrates I suggest the client stays away from are
·        Potatoes
·        Pretzels
·        Ketchup
·        Soda
·        Corn
·        Quick Oats
·        Raisins

Fats are important to your diet because they too are a source of energy. They also help form cell membranes as well as help transport the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. here is a list of good fats and also bad fats.
Good Fats:
·        Olive Oil
·        Coconut
·        Dark Chocolate
·        Avocado
·        Almond Butter
·        Nuts
·        Whole Eggs
Bad Fats:
·        Butter
·        Whole milk
·        Ice cream
·        Bacon
·        Fried foods

Protein is essential to build lean muscle. Eating protein stimulates an increase in muscle protein synthesis and suppresses protein breakdown for several hours so that you end up with more lean tissue. Also protein assists in decreasing your hunger while taking in fewer calories so you don’t overeat.  Here are examples of healthy food that possess protein.

·        Spinach
·        Grass Fed Beef
·        Salmon
·        Chicken
·        Peanut Butter
·        Teff
·        Greek Yogurt
Bad Protein:
·        Ground Beef
·        Rib-eye
·        Sausage