Monday, March 20, 2017

Who Needs Ab Day?

Who Needs Ab Day?


So let me make myself clear. When I say I don't do ab day, that doesn't mean I don't work on my abs. I definitely do. Go check out some of my core workouts and you can see. What I want to address is there is a big misconception on training your abs. People don't understand why you train abs and why what they're doing is not exactly working towards the goal they're actually trying to acquire. 

The Ab Muscles Are Too Small

The ab muscles are way too small to designate an entire day to them. To focus a whole workout session to your abs is like crying over losing 1 penny rather than a dollar. Your abdomen muscles fibers:

A. Break down really easy.

B. Recover really quickly.

Since there is a quick break down and recovery stage of ab muscles, why would  you not work them more frequently?

Ab Day Doesn't Give You Abs

The biggest misconception about ab day is that by doing ab day it will help you get those rock hard abs you want to show off at the beach and take thirst trap pictures with. False. When doing core exercises, you're strengthening your core, not flattening your abs. Abs are made in the kitchen not in the gym. In order for you to get the abs you truly desire you must be eating clean. That means more vegetables, high protein, and healthy carbs. The way you eat is crucial, and your abs will reflect your eating habits so if you're really about it, change those habits.

You're Already Doing Abs Every Day

When you do squats, dead lifts, and even some of your cable exercises (especially if you train with me) you are already working your core. Your core is where all your power comes. I strained my abdomen muscle a few years ago and realized how much it affected me, from walking to reaching for something in the cabinet. Virtually every exercise you do is working the core to an extent. My suggestion would be to add it to the end of your workout or superset core exercises like Russian Twists into your sets.

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