Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Don't Whine. Grind.


10 Minute Workout

Clap Pushups 3 x 1 minute

T Pushups 3 x 1 minute

Floor Dips 3 x 1 minute

Plank Jacks 3 x 1 minute

Double Mountain Climbers 3 x 1 minute

Monday, October 30, 2017

Mighty Mondays - Excuses

Every #MightyMonday is geared towards making forward steps in your life in some form, manner or fashion. Forward steps to a better life - the life that you want, is done by finding your inner super powers. Confidence, Passion, Direction,  and Diligence are some traits for what it takes to be successful and they lie within you. One of the ways to allow these traits to flourish and prosper is to get rid of excuses.

What are excuses?

Excuses are the tools of the incompetent that build monuments of nothingness and bridges that lead to nowhere. Those who specialize in excuses seldom excel in anything else. 

Consciously making an effort to stop making excuses will allow for the character it takes to attain goals to take action towards those goals. When you make excuses, you are denying responsibility for your own actions. Naturally, you're denying yourself opportunity to grow. Success is failure turned inside out, but how would you come to turn failure to success if you never take responsibility for your failure to begin with? 

Draw out your courage, confidence, and potential by ridding yourself of excuses - the excuses you tell others and the excuses you tell yourself. Acknowledge where you go wrong so you can understand where you must go right. 
This is Glo Up Fitness, here to have you join us as we Glo Up through Mind, Body and Spirit!

3 Habits That Will Change Your Life


10 Minute Workout

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Cardio or Weightlifting First?

Cardio or Weightlifting First?

The age old question. Cardio or Weightlifting first? Here’s some scientific benefits to each and my opinion.

Make sure you subscribe and follow my social media pages:

Personal Instagram : TheMarcusBrown1

Business Instagram: GloUpFitness

Snapchat: TheMarcusBrown1

Facebook: Glo Up Fitness

Stop Thinking & Take Action


10 Minute Workout

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Glo Life 1 Release Problem

Glo Life 1 Release Problem

Good morning everyone. I hope you all are doing well. It pains for me to say this, but due to a conflict with our manufacturer, the Glo Life 1 will not be released as of now. We are trying to get on the same page with them but there has been a large miscommunication amongst information between us. I know many were looking to pre-order there shoe today, and Glo Up Fitness truly and graciously appreciates the support. I personally felt so privileged to have people so interested in the shoes and the love they received. Unfortunately this situation that is going on now has prevented us from the release. We will keep you all updated if something changes.

How To Be Stupid


10 Minute Workout

Monday, October 16, 2017

Mighty Mondays - Overcome Depression and Anxiety

We're all about being Mighty and the Glo Up mindset and style here at Glo Up Fitness. As a Glo Getter, you don't have to already possess this lifestyle - it is a treasure that can be developed within you. Its a spiritual journey!

We're not perfect but we are always evolving. In evolving, we are shedding the things that hold us back. We are ridding the elements that hurt us - we are becoming better than our former selves in some positive form or fashion. In many cases, depression and anxiety can be the culprits behind the elements we seek to evolve beyond. I want to share a few ways to cope and rid yourself of depression and anxiety - as well as develop your inner Mighty.

First of all, Depression can't fuck wit you. You're better than that. I believe in all of mankind - I believe we all have the mighty ability to draw out the positivity in our lives. Here are some methods to OVERCOME the negatives:

1. EXERCISE!!! The cornerstone of the Glo Up Fitness brand is exercise! Not only is it great for your physical health but it releases natural endorphins within the body that makes you feel Mighty - you'll literally be high off life. Exercise is also known to improve a person's focus when it comes to tasks.

2. Relax - make some time to read, do some stretches, listen to your favorite music and reflect on the things that make you happy. For me, meditation/prayer and breathing exercises are my go to before I go to sleep at night and when I wake every morning. I also practice gratitude daily, thanking the Most High for blessing me to wake up and draw breathe again.

3. Check yourself when it comes to DIET. Don't let your "comfort foods" get your body out of sync. Make sure you are consuming a balanced diet, it makes all the difference for your energy levels day in and day out. You ever got that full 8 hours of sleep and still woke up tired? lol I can guarantee your eating habits have an huge effect on that.

4. Support is a big factor. Seek out a friend who you have a strong relationship with who has your best interests at heart. For some, they don't have family support or a friend they can trust, leaving them feeling lonely and in a dark place. I would suggest seeking a therapist to be able to express themselves to someone and receive feedback. There are sites to vent on such as muttr.com and online therapy sessions available via blahtherapy.com

5. Take matters into your own hands - Get yourself organized, set new goals and plan them out, and find a purpose bigger than yourself. There's great healing involved with feeling accomplished and taking control of the things you can in your life. Finding a purpose bigger than your self gives added meaning to life. 

Overcoming depression and anxiety is no small task and there is no quick, overnight solution to your problems. Be patient with yourself and incorporate these noted tips into your daily life in some form or fashion and things will start to look up. 

Ask yourself out loud, "What would life look like if I overcome depression, anxiety, and the negatives?"

This is Glo Up Fitness and we are glad to be of service to the Glo Getters of the world!

Introducing the Glo Life 1

Introducing the Glo Life 1



Introducing the Glo Life 1’s. Disrupting the fitness industry by coming out with our own signature shoe. Pre-order your pair this Wednesday 10.18.2017. More fitness gear will also be coming out as well so make sure you follow us on all social media @gloupfitness.

15 Jobs That Will Disappear In The Next 20 Years Due To AI


10 Minute Workout

Thursday, October 12, 2017

How To Achieve Your Most Ambitious Goals


10 Minute Workout

Clap Pushups 3 x 1 minute

Plank Pushups 3 x 1 minute

Dips 3 x 1 minute

Wall Sits 3 x 1 minute

Plank Jacks 3 x 1 minute

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The Wisdom of a 3rd Grade Dropout Will Change Your Life


10 Minute Workout

Deep Squats 3 x 50

Lunges 3 x 50 each leg

Hip Thrust 3 x 50

High Knees 3 x 1 minute

Butt Kicks 3 x 1 minute

Monday, October 9, 2017

Mighty Mondays - The Test Of A Man

The test of man is the fight that he makes.
The grit that he daily shows.
The way that he stands upon his feet.
And takes life’s numerous bumps and blows.
A coward can smile,
When there’s not to fear.
And nothing, his progress bars.
But it takes a man to stand and cheer.
While the other fellow stars.
It isn’t the victory after all,
But, the fight that a brother makes.
A man when driven against the wall,
takes the blows of fate.
With his head held high.
Bleeding, bruised, and pale!!
Is the man who will win, fate defied,
For he isn’t afraid to fail.

Test Of A Man

This is one of my favorite poems and it has served to help me define, partially, what it means to be Mighty. I always find myself revisiting this poem when I face struggles of some sort and need that boost to rise above the occasion. I am sharing it with you, ladies and gentlemen, this week as apart of #MightyMondays in hopes that it can serve to do the same thing for you. Use it as inspiration and a fuel for your perseverance!

Just Glo Up!

Friday, October 6, 2017



10 Minute Workout

Jump Squats 3 x 1 minute

Jumping Jumping Jacks 3 x 1 minute

Plank Jacks 3 x 1 minute

Mountain Climbers 3 x 1 minute

Planks 3 x 1 minute

Thursday, October 5, 2017

#HHT: Post Competition Nutrition - Strength, Power, & Concurrent Sports

From your first move to your last - from your first set to the last set til failure, you put in your all. YOU PUT IN WORK. You pushed, you pulled, you were explosive, you impressed, you improved - giving it your all til the end. Your game, your meet, your match, your workout is over and you are DEAD like you took a uppercut from Tyson. You need to refuel. It's time for that post workout nutrition to recover, improve, and get ready for your next challenging performance. 

The last #HenrysHealthTips was geared to proper post nutrition for Anaerobic sports. Click the link below to view #HHT: Post Competition Nutrition - Anaerobic Sports:

SO what are strength and power sports? Powerlifting, Bodybuilding, Gymnastics, Baseball/Softball, Rugby, and Boxing are a few sports where strength and power are essential to excelling. Lets get into the details of what it takes to refuel after a grueling day of power and strength performance.

Athletes in strength and power sports rely on both blood glucose and glycogen for energy. Because a single bout of resistance training can lead to significant reductions in glycogen -  low levels of glycogen can impair force production and isometric strength and increase muscle weakness, its important to focus on regenerating those glycogen levels before your next day of exercise or performance. 

Listen, you must focus on consuming higher glycemic carbs IMMEDIATELY after your training session or competition. High glycemic carb examples include honey, white bread, candy, carrots, corn, peas, rice cakes, corn chips, and potatoes. Some factors, including level of intensity of the session or competition, body weight, muscle mass, and what you ate prior to the performance, should be taken into account when trying to figure out just how much you need to consume. I recommend 1.5g of carbs per kg of body weight directly after training/competition and then AGAIN about an hour later. Intake of carbs can also reduce muscle protein breakdown.

Supplementing with protein after a muscle damaging performance will increase acute muscle protein synthesis, which is a home run. You want to stimulate muscle protein synthesis to recover and improve. The best way to do this is consuming a high quality, high leucine, fast protein (which means it leads to a rapid rise of amino acids within your bloodstream). An example of this type of protein beverage would be a whey protein shake or BCAAs. High leucine protein foods include cheese, soybeans, beef, chicken, nuts, fish - other seafoods, and beans. 20 to 25g is the ideal range for younger adults and 40g is ideal for adults. Consistently supplementing after training or performance will lead to moderate increases in your muscle growth and size over time compared to those who don't. Fam, listen - Your gains will thank you!

Iigh, now we need to consider mealtime protein intake. This is important for all sports athletes. In addition to consuming protein right after performance, mealtime is just as important. For optimal muscle remodeling, you should be eating 20 to 30g of protein per meal and eating a meal every 3 to 4 hours throughout your day. Iigh? Yea, bet.

Now concurrent training is combining strength and aerobic training together. It is relatively simple. Experts - like myself within the next year - recommend athletes consider consuming protein after endurance exercise and before lifting, or during the lifting session. Easy enough. 

For the best results, use these nutrition guidelines and recommendations and find what works best for you. Everyone's body is different and I'm here to help you learn more about what it takes for YOU to become the best YOU. This has been an article on post competition nutrition for strength & power sports and concurrent training presented to you by #HHT of Glo Up Fitness. More #HenrysHealthTips will be coming diving a bit more in detail on nutrition for my fellow Glo Getters