Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Russell Westbrook MVP Speech. Definition of The Glo Up


This man went from barely recruited to play college basketball to MVP. Definition of The Glo Up!

10 Minute Workout

Monday, June 26, 2017

Get Fired Up On a Monday


10 Minute Workout

Plank Ups 2 x 1 minute

Plank Jacks 2 x 1 minute

Mountain Climbers 2 x 1 minute

Double Mountain Climbers 2 x 1 minute

Twisted Mountain Climbers 2 x 1 minute

Friday, June 23, 2017

Discipline Your Thinking


10 Minute Workout

Burpees 2 x 1 minute

Jumping Jumping Jacks 2 x 1 minute

Clap Pushups 2 x 1 minute

Planks 2 x 1 minute

Squat Pulses 2 x 1 minute

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Proving Them Wrong


10 Minute Workout

2 x 1 minute Crunches

2 x 1 minute Elbow Plank

2 x 1 minute Lunges

2 x 1 minute Toe Touches 

2 x 1 minute Sit Ups

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Pain Creates Greatness


10 Minute Workout

2 x 10 Burpees

2 x 20 Pushups

2 x 30 Squat Jumps

2 x 40 Plank Jacks

2 x 50 Jumping Jacks

Monday, June 19, 2017

Keep Your Goals To Yourself


10 Minute Workout

Mountain Climbers 3 x 1 minute

Double Mountain Climbers 3 x 1 minute

Plank Jacks 3 x 1 minute

Burpees 1 x 1 minute

Friday, June 16, 2017

1 year Anniversary of www.gloupfitness.com


10 Minute Workout

For your 10 minute workout today complete each exercise for each letter of:



Thursday, June 15, 2017

[LawOfAttraction] How to Know What You Want

Once You Know What You Want, You Know What To Do!

More Summer Glo Up Gear Coming Soon! More Videos, More Glo Up Challenges, More Tips, More Content.. The Glo Up Never Stops!

10 Minute Home Cardio Workout (30 Secs Rest)

2 x 1 Minute Burpees
2 x 1 Minute Side Kicks (Keep the Kicking Foot From Touching The Ground For Higher Difficulty)
2 x 1 Minute Punching Jabs
2 x 1 minute Explosive Squat Jumps
2 Minutes of Intense Shadowboxing/Heavy Bag

20 Rules Of Money


10 Minute Workout

Divebomber Pushup 2 x 1 minute

Burpees 2 x 1 minute

Tuck Jumps 2 x 1 minute

Scissor Jacks 2 x 1 minute

Plank to Pike 2 x 1 minute

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

ThereIsNoOpponent - Perform Like Bruce Lee

There is no opponent. Why is that? Because you are your biggest enemy. Every challenge you face in life will be reflective of who you are. How will you face it? Well it starts with facing yourself!

Upper Body Resistance Band Exercise

2 Sets of Bicep Curls x 8-12 reps 
2 Sets of Lat Shoulder Raises x 8-12 reps
2 Sets OverHead Press x 8-12 reps compounded w/ 2 sets of Y-Prone (Holding arms up making a Y) for 30secs - 1 minute
2 Sets of Front Shoulder Raises x 8-12 reps
2 Sets of Pushups x 30 reps

Keep your resting between sets under 1 minute.

Happy Hump Day!


10 Minute Workout

Burpees 2 x 1 minute

Plank Jacks 2 x 1 minute

Mountain Climbers 2 x 1 minute

Floor Dips 2 x 1 minute

Pushups 2 x 1 minute

Tuesday, June 13, 2017



10 Minute Workout

Burpees 2 x1 minute

Jumping Jacks 2 x 1 minute

Clap Pushups 2 x 1 minute

T Pushups 2 x 1 minute

Plank Jacks 2 x 1 minute

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Glo Up Fitness Bootcamp

Glo Up Fitness Bootcamp

Every Saturday come get your Glo Up on at the Glo Up Fitness Bootcamp! You can purchase your ticket to the bootcamp online at the link below:


Get That Glo Up!

Why Are You Up So Early?


10 Minute Workout

Monday, June 5, 2017

Health Benefits of Sex

Health Benefits of Sex

Most people probably started reading this because of their dirty minds. That is totally fine but I do want to go on about why sex is a necessary part of our lives. Here's what I researched.


Sex is actually good for your Immune System

Yes. I said it. Sex makes you literally feel better physically. No it is not the cure to cancer or any disease, but studies show that the body fights off germs, viruses, and other bodily intruders from the bodies of those getting it popping on the regular. Now by no means am I saying if you get the flu hit up bae for the cure. You need to still eat healthy, exercise, drink water, and get rest. When you have sex 1-2 times per week your body develops significantly higher levels of immunoglobulin A. Immunoglobulin A is your body's first line of defense to fight of sickness. It lowers the amount of times your body has to actually use it's immune system. Now hopefully after reading this you don't use this as your next pick up line.

Sex counts as a form of Exercise

Now don't get it twisted. Sex is not going to replace a Glo Up workout, however sex does use five calories per minute. So depending on how long it lasts... You can burn a nice amount of calories. Going by the scientific average of how long the average sexual encounter lasts, it won't be more than 7-10 minutes so basically you'll burn off that Hershey Kiss you ate for foreplay. Consistency is key though. Those calories add up.

Sex improves Sleep

Having troubles sleeping? Get laid. This one may seem obvious. It seems that right after you "finish", you seem a little tired and knock out almost immediately. Well this is because after you orgasm, the biochemical prolactin is released into the body which causes the feeling of relaxation the release of stress. With this being said sleeping actually increases your sexual desire. According to Nicholas Bakalar of the New York Times, for women sleep can actually increase lubrication. So the more you sleep the better chance you got that wet. Which actually brings me to my next point.

Sex increases you Libido

For those who don't know what libido is it is your sexual desire.
For women, having sex ups vaginal lubrication, blood flow, and elasticity, she says, all of which make sex feel better and help you crave more of it. So basically the more you do it the more you want it.


Truth or Lie

Sperm has health benefits- Truth (kind of)

Yes, in fact it is true that sperm does have benefits to it other than creating another human. In fact it is actually a natural anti-depressant, reduces anxiety, and contains over 200 separate proteins, as well as vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, calcium, chlorine, citric acid, fructose, lactic acid, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, vitamin B12, and zinc. I was really hoping it contained vitamin D just for the laugh. Now don't get it twisted though, the amount of nutrients in sperm is not a big deal so men don't walk away from this article thinking you contain all the vitamins and health benefits the ladies need.



Positive Vibes Only


10 Minute Workout

Jumping Jacks 2 x 1 minute

Clap Pushups 2 x 1 minute

Mountain Climbers 2 x 1 minute

Russian Twists 2 x 1 minute

Burpees 2 x 1 minute

Friday, June 2, 2017

Improving Your Self Image


10 Minute Workout

Crunches 2 x 1 minute

Sit Ups 2 x 1 minute

Russian Twists 2 x 1 minute

Hip Thrusts 2 x 1 minute

Twisted Mountain Climbers 2 x 1 minute

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Motivation Given by King James


10 Minute Workout

Pushups 3 x 1 minute

Floor Dips 3 x 1 minute

T-Pushups 3 x 1 minute

1 x 1 Deadlift