Sunday, April 9, 2017

#HHT: 7 Powers To Grow Your Business

Entrepreneurs are a different breed of person. They aren't your average. Entrepreneurs chase dreams and have a vision. Once a goal is set, the work is put in until it is achieved and even once the goal has been reached, a new one is set. There are certain qualities, certain powers every entrepreneur needs to make those dreams come true.

The first power is to come hungry & stay hungry. As mentioned before, set a goal; dangle that carrot out in front of you. Keep that fire growing and let your passion guide you. When you are a goal setter, you'll soon realize that shortly after you achieve your goals, you will set new ones. You must; Maintenance is a myth. You are either improving or you are getting worse, there is no in between. Stay hungry my friends.

Power number two takes a moment of reflection. Do you have all of the resources you need to make your vision come true? As for many upcoming entrepreneurs, visionaries & creatives, you won't have all of the resources you need right in front of you. So, be resourceful. 

Speed of implementation is the third power. TAKE ACTION. The person that takes the fastest action wins. SO what if the content or plan isn't absolutely perfect, put it into play. Combine speed of implementation with frequency and you will be on your way towards the growth you seek.

Understanding Adversity is an advantage is power number four! There is no such thing as failing from each unsuccessful attempt, only learning. When you face adversity and challenges in your business, welcome them and use them to build your entrepreneurial and mental muscles. Keep grindin', never give up.

Power five; Be decisive. Even if its a decision made that fails or doesn't work as well as initially meant, course correct and move on. Keep making changes as you go along until you get it right.

Eagles Fly Alone. Understanding that you don't need anybody's approval for your vision is power six. Everyone doesn't have your vision. This power can be viewed in two ways, meaning, be aware of what EVERYBODY else is doing, and do the opposite. Be distinct. Incorporate what makes you you, into your brand. It's more authentic and it's your way; it's your vehicle.

To fall in love with the work, is the seventh and final super power. Love the process not the destination. Take your passion and make it your vehicle to your dreams. Even when you set that goal and reach it, you set another one not because you simply want more but because you love the work that you do!

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