Friday, September 2, 2016



As a basketball coach, I always tell my players that when they come out of the game they should be panting hard. They should be tired. Reason why is that they should be giving it all they got every time they step on the court. I stress this to everyone reading this. No matter what you are doing, whether you are studying for a test, trying to lose weight, or working on a project at work, give it your all. Do you remember a time where you put your all into something and when you got rewarded for your effort the feeling it gave you? Work for that feeling every time. Even if you don't accomplish everything you set out to do, by giving it your all you will still feel some satisfaction. My team was the #1 team in MetroWest Basketball and lost in the playoffs. That playoff game we lost, I never saw them play harder. They were upset, but they were so happy with their play that game. I couldn't be any more proud. Input that into your life. Give everything you do all your effort. You'll be surprised on how good it'll make you feel.

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