Friday, September 16, 2016

12 Week Explosive Speed, Power, and Vertical Performance Training

12 Week Explosive Speed, Power, and Vertical Performance Training

 Are you trying to improve your verticle jump? Are you trying to gain some flat out explosive speed, or even develop more explosive core power? If so, use this performance training guide designed to do specifically that. This training can help you become an overall better athlete by developing speed, power, and vertical abilities. Be the better athlete you want to be and put in the time and effort! You get out what you put in, so get started on this 12 week performance training. Lets Get It In!

Week 1-3 (3 days a week):
5-8 minute warmup jog
5-10 minute stretching
Squats 3 sets of 8-12 reps (Hill optional)
Lunges 3 sets 8-12 reps (Hill Optional)
Pulse squats 3 sets 8-12 reps (Hill Optional/jumping further up the hill in between every pulse squat)
Plank Jacks 3 sets 30sec-1min
Jumping Jack 1-2 minutes
Calf Raises 3 sets of 15-20 reps
Core Workout (See Below)
5 min. Cool Down jog

Week 4-6 (3 days a week) Explosive training:
5-8 minute warmup
5-10 stretching
Seated squats 3 sets 8-12 reps
Squat jumps 3 sets 8-12 reps
Burpee to Tuck Jumps 3 sets 8-12 reps
Reverse Lunge Jumps aka Super Marios 3 sets 8-12 reps
Half Burpee aka Squat Thrusters to Box Jumps 3 sets 8-12 reps
Calf Raises (W/ Weight) 3 sets 15 to 20 reps
Core Workout (See Below)
5 minute Cool Down jog

Week 7-9 (3 Days a week) Speed training:
5-8 minutes warmup jog
5-10 min. stretching
Acceleration drills (sprint for 5-7 secs/10-20m) 4-5 reps @100%, 2 sets w/ 1-2min rest between.
One leg forward jumps  carrying the ball of your sport 15-20 reps on each leg 2-3 sets
2 leg forward jumps carrying the ball of your sport 15-20 reps 2-3 sets
Sprinting: Full speed to 20m,  then 30m, then 40m, then 50m (walk back to starting line between each one) then back down the ladder (50m, 40m, 30m, 20m) full speed.
Core Workout (See Below)
Finish exercise with cool down jog 5 minutes

Week 9-12 (3 days a week) Technique Training:
5-8 minutes warmup jog
5-10 minute stretching
plyo pushups OR pushups on the ball of your sport 8-12 reps, 3 sets
Box Drill for 1-3 minutes on each leg (Carrying ball of your sport)
Speed jump rope for 45secs-2min, 3 sets
Lateral Triple Jumps on each foot, 8-12 reps w/ low weight dumbbells or weight vest carrying the ball of choice, 3 sets
Single leg deadlifts w/ dumbbells or kettle bells
Core Workout (See Below)
5 min. Cool Down jog

Core Workout:

Plank on forearms for 30 secs, 3 sets
Plank in pushup position (Extended arms) for 30 secs, 3 sets
T-pushups for 30sec-1min
V-Ups for 1 minute then hold for 15-20 secs, 3 sets
Russian Twists w/ small weight or medicine ball for 1 minute, 3 sets
Twisting Superman for 20 secs into Banana Roll repeat, for 1 minute 30 secs, 2 sets
Dying/Rotating Roach for 30 secs clockwise (optional for athletes)
Dying/Rotating Roach for 30 secs counterclockwise (optional for athletes)
Plank w/ Arm Leg Lift 30 secs, 2 sets

Burn Out Planks (“Until Failure”)

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