Friday, September 30, 2016

Cry to Keep Going!


Often times when things get tough we tend to want to stop. We want to just say it hurts too much to keep going. Don't cry to stop, cry to keep going. When I ran track in college, there were times where I would be hurting during a workout. I didn't quit though. I kept fighting through. I would say God get me through the dark so I can see the light. When I finished it was a relieving feeling to know I didn't quit. Today even if you feel like things are too hard don't stop. KEEP GRINDING!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Don't let your dreams die


You only live once. How many times have you heard that? It's such a simple, powerful phrase, yet we take it for granted. We never truly understand this phrase until it is too late. In one of the earlier #MarcusMotivation posts that the richest places on earth is a graveyard. All the hopes and dreams people had died with them and shall never get to be achieved. Cures for diseases, life changing ideas are lost amongst the spirits. Don't let your dreams go with you. Leave your impact on the world. Live your life how you aspire it should be.

Friday, September 23, 2016



This video is a classic. It is the definition of what Glo Up Fitness stands for. How bad do you want it? Are you willing to do whatever it takes to get to where you want to be? This is a MUST WATCH.

Thursday, September 22, 2016



If you continued to walk west you would probably land in California. If you continued walking south you would probably land in Florida, If you continued walking east you probably would end up in the ocean. My point being is that if you continue to grind then you will eventually get somewhere. Many times we work and work and work to no avail. That's when a lot of people give up. They just throw in the towel. You can GUARANTEE that that person will not accomplish their goals. The person that will is the person who never quit. Oprah was demoted from her job as a new anchor, Michael Jordan was cut from the varsity team, Tyler Perry was homeless. These people could've easily given up on their dreams but they didn't and landed in excellence. DON'T QUIT, STAY FOCUSED, and KEEP PUSHING. You'll get to your dreams. At times it may seem like you won't but in due time you will make it.Image result for we gon make it jadakiss

Wednesday, September 21, 2016



It's crazy how life can be taken from you so quickly. One minute you are enjoying life and the next you're gone. The violence that has been going on and other diseases that have taken so many are really coming out of nowhere to the people they affect. They don't play to be shot or plan to be infected with a terminal illness. So the advice given here is to take the time now to accomplish whatever you desire. If you want to accomplish a goal, then go do it. If you want to tell the person you love that you love them then go do it. Stop waiting for your moment. Your time is now. Otherwise you may never get that opportunity and those dreams, that desire, that love dies with you as well.

RIP to all those who have lost love ones due to violence or any situation. On behalf of Glo Up Fitness, our hearts are with you.Image result for life's too short to not take chances

Tuesday, September 20, 2016



Yesterday I mentioned how we need to eat healthier. Today I wanted to open up a challenge. I challenge you to not go out and buy food  every day from a restaurant for lunch this week. I want you tonight to go to the grocery store and buy groceries for the week to cook and make your own lunch and see the difference in how much money is in your wallet and also how your body feels eating healthier. It is time that we start thinking about our future health wise as much as our goals. I will be doing this with you so trust me when I say you're not alone.

Image result for eat healthy quotes

Monday, September 19, 2016

Glo Up 12 Week Toning Workout Program

Glo Up 12 Week Toning Workout Program

If you're looking to develop your cardiovascular function and tone your body check out this 12 week program. Ladies and gentlemen can participate in this program and get a workout in. Remember this takes dedication, you will see results with 12 weeks of hard work and discipline. Just remember every day you can get better because the Glo Up Never Stops.

For the aerobic training, you will start off with intensity in HIIT cardio. You will be doing all cardio training last because you actually burn more fat during training and are more efficient during this period. Here are some examples of aerobic training exercises.
·         Interval treadmill training for 30 minutes.
·         Elliptical training for 30 minutes
·         Swimming exercises for 30 minutes
·         Cycling training for 30 minutes

For the aerobic training, If you can, do 2 sessions a day of 30 minute aerobic training working 4 days a week with a rest day in the middle of the week. 


Strength Training
When it comes to the strength training, my plan is to have the client focus on reps rather than the amount of weight. There really isn’t much need to go up in weights. The focus of each strength training day will be a full body workout rather than split training. I plan on strength training 4 days a week as well with a rest day in between those days. Rest 60 seconds between each set. The reps will range from 10-12. I want to start the client at 10 reps and increase the reps as the program continues.
For Abs, I want the client to do a series of 5 abdominal exercises for 30 seconds each. Here is a list of exercises.

·         Russian Twists
·         Planks
·         Half Boat Crunches
·         Leg Raises
·         Side Planks
·         Medicine Ball Sit Up
·         Cycle Crunch


Day 1:
Barbell Squat 5 x 10-12 reps
Standing Calf Raises 5 x 10-12 reps
Barbell Rows 5 x 10-12 reps
Inclined Dumbbell Bench Press 5 x 10-12 reps
Shoulder Press 5 x 10-12 reps
5 Abdominal Exercises
Day 2:
Leg Press 5 x 10-12 reps
Seated Calf Raises 5 x 10-12 reps
Cable Rows 5 x 10-12 reps
Inclined Dumbbell Fly 5 x 10-12 reps
Front Raises 5 x 10-12 reps
5 Abdominal Exercises
Day 3:

Day 4:
Dead lift 5 x 10-12 reps
Single Leg Calf Raises 5 x 10-12 reps on each side
Wide Grip Lat Pull Down 5 x 10-12 reps
Dumbbell Bench Press 5 x 10-12 reps
Side Lateral Raises 5 x 10-12 reps
5 Abdominal Exercises
Day 5:
Leg Extension 5 x 10-12 reps
Leg Curl 5 x 10-12 reps
One Arm Dumbbell Row 5 x 10-12 reps on each side
Pushups 5 x 15
Bent Over Low-Pulley Side Lateral 5 x 10-12 reps
5 Abdominal Exercises


The objective of this program is to lose fat and tone your body. In order to do that we are working to develop lean muscle and burn fat. The macronutrient balance changes per different period of the training. That will be discussed for each period. If you can, record all the food you intake and if need be make adjustments to your diet. The diet will consist of 1700 calories during training days and 1500 during rest days.


Carbohydrates while they create energy can cause weight gain as well. Carbohydrates can break down into sugar and will be stored. To ensure the client has energy for intense exercise they need a moderate amount of carbohydrates. The client needs to make sure that they are eating good carbohydrates. Examples of good carbohydrates are here as listed.
·         Beans
·         Squash
·         Oatmeal
·         Quinoa
·         Sweet Potatoes
·         Bananas
·         Berries

Protein is essential to build lean muscle. Eating protein stimulates an increase in muscle protein synthesis and suppresses protein breakdown for several hours so that you end up with more lean tissue. Also protein assists in decreasing your hunger while taking in fewer calories so you don’t overeat.  Here are examples of healthy food that possess protein.
·         Spinach
·         Grass Fed Beef
·         Salmon
·         Chicken
·         Peanut Butter
·         Teff
·         Greek Yogurt


Healthy fats are essential in improving metabolism, balancing hormones, and eliminating constant cravings. Fat is also good for your skin as well. Dry skin and eyes is often caused by a deficiency in fatty acids. Getting adequate omega-3 fats and a variety of saturated fats in your diet can help improve the body’s ability to lubricate effectively. It is essential that even though the member to cut down on fats that she must still eat them. Here is a list of healthy fats.
·         Olive Oil
·         Coconut
·         Dark Chocolate
·         Avocado
·         Almond Butter
·         Nuts
·         Whole Eggs
I have my client plan meals with the 40-40-20 rule. Going by the basic macronutrients protein, carbohydrates, and fats, I will explain to the client their portions, 40% protein, 40% carbohydrates, 20% fats. Of course plenty of water is also necessary. You still need fats in your diet but there needs to be a deficit.