Anyone watch the show Ballers? Its an entertaining show with some funny, some dynamic characters and doused with sports and luxury living. It features The Rock and Denzel Washington's son amongst other recognizable actors, and tons of cameos from actual superstars in football. In the most recent episode, during a scene between The Rock and his off the wall business partner Joe, Joe mentions stress is more detrimental to our health than smoking. This show served as inspiration for the content of the newest installment of #HenrysHealthTips: stress relief.
Before we get into the relief part, lets talk about the difference between stress and anxiety, two feelings that are often mistaken for the other. While they may feel the same, anxiety is similar to the feeling of constant fear. It is truly the enemy of a healthy, feel good, feel strong psyche. It tends to become overwhelming mentally, leading to overthinking and disruption to a person's quality of life. On the other hand, stress is the physical response a person has when faced with a difficult challenge. Anxiety is more mental while stress is physical. Sometimes anxiety is a response to stress amongst other emotional afflictions.
Common emotional effects of stress are anxiety, depression, lack of motivation and focus, and even insecurity. I've had my experience with small attacks of anxiety and lack of motivation & focus. I'm sure we all can be hard on ourselves at times, and sometimes don't even catch ourselves succumbing to self doubt or insecurities. When our emotions are being attacked and suffocated by stress, it can have an effect on our behaviors. We may have crying fits that come out of the blue (crying is healthy though, so let it out if need be. It means its been pent up for some time now), we may have angry outbursts, binge drink alcohol, smoke way too much weed and burn ourselves out, oversleep or sleep too little. All of these behaviors can be fixed through habit so no worries. When these behaviors do get out of control, it can effect our relationships and even how we view ourselves. Headaches, nausea, weight problems, fatigue, low sex drive can all be outcomes of stress's effect. Finding yourself sick more often, or even in physical pain for no reason? You can heal yourself by releasing that stress.
Get enough sleep, get active and Glo Up by going to the gym, taking on yoga, doing home workouts or running. Get a massage as a treat after your Glo Up session - a wonderful combination (I can not lie!). Taking up art as a hobby is a great way of expressing yourself. You'll be able to draw or write out your feelings and can use it as something to come back to and reflect upon. Laughing is a great stress reliever so go watch 'Rush Hour' or whatever your favorite comedy is. My go to is 'The Wood', Top 5 Top 5 Top 5. Take time to relax and filter negative influences in your life but more importantly how you talk to yourself. Empower yourself every moment you get to yourself and watch the stress dip out.
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