Thursday, August 31, 2017
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Monday, August 28, 2017
Glycogen Synthesis Presented by Julie Theriot
The previous video about post competition nutrition mentioned a process called glycogen synthesis. Here is a short animated video to help explain it a bit more in depth! Click on the related animated videos for more information.
#HHT: Post Competition Nutrition - Aerobic Sports
From starting signal to the finish line, YOU PUT IN WORK. You ran, cycled, swam, Zumba'd (lol) your way to the end, giving it your all. Your race - or exercise session, is over and now you're dehydrated, hungry, and physically exhausted. Its time for that post competition nutrition to recover, improve, and get ready for the next strenuous workout.
To get the most out of your post competition workout, it is important to refuel the body according to the type of activity you just participated in. As mentioned in the last #HenrysHealthTips, there is a somewhat general method to refuel the body. That starts with rehydrating yourself, intaking sodium, and getting some carbs and protein in the body. To refrain from injuries and to build the body, you want to be sure you are getting the proper nutrition after competition, or exercise sessions for that matter. You can be the most talented but once you become injury prone, the pain, struggle and self doubt that follows begins to outweigh that talent to some degree.
So lets get into aerobic specific post competition nutrition, ya feel me!
After any prolonged aerobic endurance event or activity, you must replenish carb stores before your next training session - or competition if you happen to be competing again the very next day. It's really whatever comes first. Ya gotta consume protein for the sake of repairs to and building the muscles.
Lets do a quick breakdown of what your body needs to perform. Glycogen plays a critical role in optimal muscle performance - it is how the body stores carbs for energy in the muscles. So glycogen synthesis is the process of turning glucose into glycogen, which requires energy input. Where does that energy input come from post competition after you've worn your body out? Food! Proper Nutrition! There are 2 phases to the synthesis. The 1st phase lasts for about 30 to 60 minutes, pretty rapidly, so when intake of carbs (about 1 to 1.8 grams per kilogram of total body weight/hr) are ingested IMMEDIATELY after exercise, you're in good shape. Phase 2 is more drawn out and can last several hours which is why you want to intake the recommended carbs in intervals of 15 minutes to an hour, for the next 5 hours after exercise. When it comes to competition, where you may have worked the body much more strenuously (for example participating in a marathon), the process to refuel your body properly make take longer than 24 hours of carb intake. This is because the muscles could possibly have taken substantial damage and the glycogen synthesis may have been delayed. Just take precaution in this case.
Sweet science, this is how you optimize your body's athletic potential.
Athletes who train multiple times a day or have less than 24 hours recovery before exercising again, should immediately consume carbs, through eating or drinking and at regular intervals as mentioned before. For those athletes who have more than 24 hours recovery time - namely those after an intense competition, you won't necessarily HAVE to consume carbs immediately after competition. It's ok to wait maybe 2 to 4 hours before beginning your carb refuel. Rehydration is recommended immediately after performance, regardless.
As mentioned earlier, protein is also very important. In the case that your body isn't receiving enough carbs (less than 1.2g of carbs), protein steps in and increases the rate of glycogen storage in the muscles. Although there have been no studies to show what the minimum intake of protein should be to assist in the muscle protein synthesis (process that builds new bodily proteins within the muscles) or how much is needed to show improved performance over time, you should definitely take in your desired amount of protein within 2 and a half hours post competition (or exercise). I would recommend, at minimum, 0.3-0.5g of protein per kilogram of your total body weight post competition. The most efficient option would most likely be a protein & carb drink (.3g protein per kilo of body weight/1.0g carb per kilo of body weight) after training. Ladies I recommend you all stay on the lower end of the suggested intakes throughout this article, you won't need as much, especially doing aerobic exercises.
This has been Glo Up info in regards to post competition nutrition needed for aerobic activities such as cycling, running (marathons, cross country), swimming, Zumba classes and any other aerobic activity you may be active in. Next #HHT will continue focus on post competition nutrition, narrowing in on high intensity intermittent sports aka anaerobic sports such as basketball, football, and more.
Contact us via FB, IG, and here on our website to ask questions or to make requests about what you wish to learn about on our site.
This is Glo Up Fitness!!!
Contact us via FB, IG, and here on our website to ask questions or to make requests about what you wish to learn about on our site.
This is Glo Up Fitness!!!
Sunday, August 27, 2017
Friday, August 25, 2017
#HHT - Post Competition Nutrition
Starting whistle to end game buzzer, you put in work. You ran, you jumped, you sweat, and you expended tons of energy to win. The game is over and you're dehydrated, hungry, and physically exhausted. The post competition meal's purpose is to rehydrate, cure that hunger by replenishing your body's glycogen stores, and repair the torn muscle tissue from your all out performance.
The post competition meal is also the post training meal, its what you consume directly or shortly after training or competition that will help the body repair itself and get ready for the next game or training session. To get the most out of your post competition meal, needs need to be met based off what sport you play. Every sport falls within one of these 3 categories:
- Aerobic endurance sports events
- Power and strength sports events
- Intermittent, High intensity aka Anaerobic sports events
Aerobic endurance sports events include long distance running or swimming, biking, rowing, water aerobics, and Zumba. Power and strength sports include field events like shot put, long jump, the hammer throw, baseball, wrestling, powerlifting, and more. Intermittent high intensity sports events include sprinting events like the 60m-200m, basketball, football, soccer, or any other sport that requires agility or a burst of top speed at any given moment.
In the following articles, we will get into more detail regarding the specific sport types and the proper post competition nutrition that needs to be given to the body for each type.
Regardless of the sport specific, there are general post competition nutritional steps that should be taken. Immediately after competition or training, athletes should replace all fluids and electrolytes lost. When sodium losses are pretty substantial, it helps to add a bit more salt to your meal. Sodium helps the body retain fluid. Sports drinks, such as gatorade, and water should do the trick to refuel the body's fluids and electrolytes. My personal favorite after an intense workout or martial arts class is coconut water with a little bit of gatorade - just a splash. This in combination with a meal, prepped with additional salt, is the most common procedure to take generally.
Stay tuned for upcoming #HenrysHealthTips regarding the benefits of post competition nutrition for different sports. Be mighty and Just Glo Up!
Thursday, August 24, 2017
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
| Mighty Mondays | - Choices
How do you begin to believe in yourself?
How do you begin to improve?
How do you begin to make a difference in your lifestyle and mindset?
Everything you dream of can become reality with choices. Every single day you live is comprised of choices. Every goal met successfully in the gym, classroom, or career is accomplished by what? You already know.
A choice is powerful. Every choice ripples throughout your life and into others' lives. Our choices are usually directed by our subconscious desires. Each choice made in the past is an opportunity to reflect. Reflection on past choices offers counting on choices you are proud of or some that you've made that you can learn from.
A lot of the people we admire for their physical, intellectual, and financial prowess didn't get lucky or just happen to have these gifts. They made a decision at some point in their lives and used their will to see it through. Although we are all born into different circumstances, we are all able to make choices to change the course of our lives. Where you are today is a culmination of every choice you've made up to this point. If you're reading this, you are on the right track because you are interested in Glo'ing up in every aspect of your lifestyle.
With that said, continue to choose to be the best version of yourself. Don't fantasize about what anyone else has or is able to do; choose to be a better you and you'll find yourself where you want to be. Aim for the top. Make the decision to be Mighty in all aspects of life and you will Glo.
Supplements You Need!
Supplements You Need!
There are many other supplements you can take to assist you on your fitness journey, but these are the ones that I choose to use. Remember, supplements aren't going to make you gain muscle or lose fat. They just are slight assists in the process to the Glo Up.
Monday, August 21, 2017
Friday, August 18, 2017
I Gotta Start Making My Bed
10 Minute Workout
Squat to Knee Raise 2 x 1 minute
Hip Thrusts 2 x 1 minute
Lunge Jumps 2 x 1 minute
Fire Feet to Squat 2 x 1 minute
Squat Jacks 2 x 1 minute
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
#HHT - Stress Relief
Anyone watch the show Ballers? Its an entertaining show with some funny, some dynamic characters and doused with sports and luxury living. It features The Rock and Denzel Washington's son amongst other recognizable actors, and tons of cameos from actual superstars in football. In the most recent episode, during a scene between The Rock and his off the wall business partner Joe, Joe mentions stress is more detrimental to our health than smoking. This show served as inspiration for the content of the newest installment of #HenrysHealthTips: stress relief.
Before we get into the relief part, lets talk about the difference between stress and anxiety, two feelings that are often mistaken for the other. While they may feel the same, anxiety is similar to the feeling of constant fear. It is truly the enemy of a healthy, feel good, feel strong psyche. It tends to become overwhelming mentally, leading to overthinking and disruption to a person's quality of life. On the other hand, stress is the physical response a person has when faced with a difficult challenge. Anxiety is more mental while stress is physical. Sometimes anxiety is a response to stress amongst other emotional afflictions.
Common emotional effects of stress are anxiety, depression, lack of motivation and focus, and even insecurity. I've had my experience with small attacks of anxiety and lack of motivation & focus. I'm sure we all can be hard on ourselves at times, and sometimes don't even catch ourselves succumbing to self doubt or insecurities. When our emotions are being attacked and suffocated by stress, it can have an effect on our behaviors. We may have crying fits that come out of the blue (crying is healthy though, so let it out if need be. It means its been pent up for some time now), we may have angry outbursts, binge drink alcohol, smoke way too much weed and burn ourselves out, oversleep or sleep too little. All of these behaviors can be fixed through habit so no worries. When these behaviors do get out of control, it can effect our relationships and even how we view ourselves. Headaches, nausea, weight problems, fatigue, low sex drive can all be outcomes of stress's effect. Finding yourself sick more often, or even in physical pain for no reason? You can heal yourself by releasing that stress.
Get enough sleep, get active and Glo Up by going to the gym, taking on yoga, doing home workouts or running. Get a massage as a treat after your Glo Up session - a wonderful combination (I can not lie!). Taking up art as a hobby is a great way of expressing yourself. You'll be able to draw or write out your feelings and can use it as something to come back to and reflect upon. Laughing is a great stress reliever so go watch 'Rush Hour' or whatever your favorite comedy is. My go to is 'The Wood', Top 5 Top 5 Top 5. Take time to relax and filter negative influences in your life but more importantly how you talk to yourself. Empower yourself every moment you get to yourself and watch the stress dip out.
Monday, August 14, 2017
Does exercise make you eat more?
Does exercise make you eat more?
New research has looked into how different exercises affect appetite – but it’s a tricky area to study. Check out the article below.
Click Here
Sunday, August 13, 2017
| MightyMondays | - Clarity
How do you gain clarity about what you want from life? A lot of people will give the simple answer, "I just want to live comfortable, have fun, and raise a family." That's not clear enough and something inside you tells you thats not clear enough as those words leave your mouth, but you're comfortable with the answer. Take a thoughtful moment and reflect on that question and answer in detail. The truth about clarity is that it will yield different outcomes for us all. So, here is my testament to what clarity means to me and the steps I am currently taking to define clarity within my life.
By definition, clarity is the quality of being clear, in particular. The clarity I am pursuing is of the mind. I know what I wish to achieve, it is written down in full detail. I have visualized and I have begun to take action on my goals, but converting my lifestyle to one that will allow me to reach my goals has been difficult. My bad habits are difficult to break, but they are starting to shape up. I am literally up now at 6am writing this after what feels like a breakthrough. I have been struggling getting an early start on the day and being productive with my time and now here I am up early and getting to work. I believe I can say that the recent choices Ive made to control myself in other areas of my life are working for me.
As I work on developing a lifestyle of success, I still find myself battling with mental fog, anxiety and overthinking. The following can happen during any time of productivity and it gets to be frustrating. If you have similar issues, one thing that has helped me is having support of a close friend who you are able to call when you're having one of your attacks or moments of confusion. This close friend should be one who you can rely on to empower you and send positivity to reinforce your personal belief and outlook on what you're focused on. Shoutout to my brother Maury, love you bro.
Although having that support and positive influence in your corner is a blessing and a necessity for tough times, support alone won't get you to where you want to be. The common denominator in everything you wish to achieve is YOU. So, you will have to take control over what you can. In my life, I have begun to practice saving more ferociously, keeping myself to a $15 a day budget towards only food and gas. Of course when bills or other necessities come up, they get paid but if its not a necessity, I won't think twice if it'll cost more than $15 that day. I am a 25 year old black man with no kids so I am easily able to hold myself to that daily budget when my self control is in effect. In a months time, with a temporary minimum wage job, I was able to save almost $2k. If I can do it, as a former habitual spender aka Mista 'I Burn Holes In My Pocket', I believe anyone can. The focus is to spend WELL within my means. This practice offers a degree of clarity because it helps create resources for me and my social life has been put into a better balance.
Other areas where I have begun to flex self control includes no drinking and no smoking (I am a health enthusiast that is pro marijuana when used for medical purposes). Not partaking in these activities helps me save money but my practice offers mental clarity and energy for the tasks that need to be tackled. I don't wake up dazed and confused, groggy or slow after a night of drinking or smoking and the start of my day is much more productive. Another vice I have chosen to take control of is sex.
Sexual abstinence is new to me but it is a process I am willing to endure for the sake of my future. This includes no intercourse with women, no porn, and no masturbation for the sake of cultivating that energy and directing it towards my goal. This choice was in the making for some time after reading a few books, one of which was 'Think & Grow Rich' by Napoleon Hill, mentioning how sexual energy can become one of man's greatest weapons. It offers progressive mental health in reference to clarity and direction. The shit sounded crazy. Give up sex for what fam?! But as I've set my sights on a clear goal that I am hungry to achieve, I am willing to practice as much self control for the betterment of my lifestyle as I need to. I'm aiming for the top and nothing less.
I came to discover that great boxers like Muhammed Ali, Mike Tyson, and Pacquiao practiced this type of self control, each of them believing it increased their focus, productivity, energy and will. Other notables include Steve Jobs, Nikola Tesla, Jazz legend Miles Davis, and Kanye West at one point. Kanye once spoke in a interview for Playboy about his sexual addiction at a young age that he was able to gain control of. "People ask me a lot about my drive. I think it comes from, like, having a sexual addiction at a really young age," he says. "Look at the drive that people have to get sex—to dress like this and get a haircut and be in the club in the freezing cold at 3 A.M., the places they go to pick up a girl. If you can focus the energy into something valuable, put that into work ethic.." Shit, my college track coach used to tell us to refrain from sex during track season "cause it makes ya legs weak, boy." But that just wasn't happening back then, at all fam. Nowadays, I am more mature and have decided that my goals are more important than chasing short term satisfaction.
Clarity! Direction and the focus to accomplish!
This is my testament about what clarity means to me and how it takes form within my life. I hope this can help you in your journey, in one form or another. Dig deep and find that Glo. You have powers, be Mighty.
Saturday, August 12, 2017
Introducing Mighty Mondays
Wassup y'all, Henry checkin' in with some good news. It's a pleasure for me to introduce another installation into the Glo Up culture entitled 'Mighty Mondays.' We have #MarcusMotivation which keeps us going with daily motivation, knowledgable videos, and workouts to do. We also have #HenrysHealthTips to focus on every and anything health related from mental health to the proper diet to get the most out of your muscles in the gym. So what can Mighty Mondays possibly stand for?
The key word here is MIGHTY! To be Mighty is to activate that super power we all have deep down, the perfect adjective to describe our faith and will in the Glo Up culture. Its the adjective of our desires, art, the way we feel and express ourselves, the power we speak into our own lives and others'. From each Mighty Monday, we want you to take away a feeling of self empowerment and understanding of how mighty you are along with ways to improve your inner super power. The first Mighty Monday focuses on Clarity and my personal testament to how I am claiming clarity in my life and mindset.
With each Mighty Monday, we would love for you to email us your testament in reference to the topic of the week and how you are making it manifest in your life. These testaments can be a short vlog, blog, or any other way you can express your testament. We are building a Mighty culture and we want you apart of it. Glo Up Fitness's ultimate goal is to raise fitness activity in every household around the world and part of your journey is feeling MIGHTY in your heart, mind, and spirit. Just Glo Up fam!
Friday, August 11, 2017
Thursday, August 10, 2017
Keep Glo'ing Up on Your Road Trip
For those looking to take a road trip before the summer ends here is some advice so you eat healthy while also making it through your road trip without eating garbage every day.
Click Here
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
Monday, August 7, 2017
Friday, August 4, 2017
Thursday, August 3, 2017
Wednesday, August 2, 2017
Don't Chase MONEY!
10 Minute Workout
Pushup Jacks 2 x 1 minute
Plank Jacks 2 x 1 minute
Jumping Jacks 2 x 1 minute
Jumping Jumping Jacks 2 x 1 minute
Burpee to Jumping Jacks 2 x 1 minute
Tuesday, August 1, 2017
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