Thursday, May 10, 2018

New Perspective


Morning Workout

Pushup jacks 3 x 1 minute 

Squat Jacks 3 x 1 minute

Lunge Jumps 3 x 1 minute

Sit Ups 3 x 1 minute

Plank 3 x 1 minute

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Take this NUTRIENT when nothing else works!

The supplement industry has fed us a lot of lies and
half-truths (BIG SURPRISE - not really lol)

One of them is that it’s all about giving your body “nutrients”.
This is one of the biggest half-truths in the industry.


Because just like when you build a house, you can have the greatest
building materials on Earth (nutrients) and…


Some of the hardest workers in your body are in your belly --
Specifically I’m talking about the probiotics in your gut.

Probiotics will do everything from:

  • Help synthesize B and K vitamins
  • Enhance digestion and nutrient absorption
  • Stop the growth of “bad bacteria” and other pathogens
  • Help metabolize other plant compounds/drugs
  • Produce short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) and polyamines
  • Produce immune system boosters
And here’s a big one: some specific probiotic strains are
PROTEOLYTIC (which means they break down protein into
absorbable amino acids), which means faster, better gains from
your workouts.

When you’ve got the right “workers” in your body everything works better: 

  • You wake up each morning, brimming with energy
  • Your fat-burning metabolism instantly multiplies
  • You look and feel many years younger 
  • Gas, bloating and digestive issues fade away 
  • And I could go on forever... 

... especially when that nutrient is the RIGHT PROBIOTIC. 

When IN balance, they act like little work factories... churning out 
critical vitamins, minerals, nutrients, enzymes and countless 
other nutrients in the body. 

When they’re OUT of balance, so much of what you eat or
supplements you take is for nothing -- because bad digestion
wrecks everything. 

With bad digestion, you get “backed up”... your entire digestive
system begins to get coated in waste... and nutrients are less
able to get into your blood and be used. 

Worse, the bad bacteria ferments our food and creates more 
toxic waste. 

The Right PROTEOLYTIC PROBIOTIC is the answer... and
the best single strain I’ve EVER found is available right here. 

If you want an extreme example -- look at what doctors found
when they opened up the acting legend John Wayne (after
he died of cancer)...

They found 40 pounds of undigested WASTE in his intestines.

(Ever wonder why people get such massive bellies?
It’s not just belly fat. It’s also all all the undigested food
that’s accumulated in the gut.)

Oh... and the worst culprit in turning into rotten waste? 


Protein is the most difficult and time-consuming nutrient
to digest. 

The reason for this is simple: protein molecules are long 
chains with well-soldered links, and to break down their
resistance requires the combination of good chewing and
the simultaneous attack of various gastric, pancreatic,
and biliary juices.

Unfortunately, undigested protein rots away in your intestines
until you die or flush it out with a cleanse, probiotics
or enzymes.

And you don’t want protein to be stuck in your gut, rotting
for years. I know it sounds disgusting.

This is why I’m so big on proteolytic probiotics.

Not only rotting, but blocking other critical nutrients from being
digested and absorbed -- costing you hundreds or thousands
in wasted food, supplements and possibly medical help later. 

That’s why I’m introducing to you, the popular probiotic, P3-OM™, it’s the ONLY patented strain of probiotics with
extreme ability to digest protein (as well as protect your gut from 
“bad” invaders.) 

To find out how to potentially get a FREE bottle(s) of P3-OM™ and qualify for FREE SHIPPING (on select orders), act now by visiting the link below before they're all gone!

Secure Your FREE Bottle(s) Now! (extremely limited inventory and on select packages only)

The good news for you: When you start using P3-OM™ your
digestion is going to be better than ever.

Not only is it going to help you break down protein, it’s going
to boost your immune system, fight “bad bacteria” and
keep digestive discomforts away.

Grab this dope deal on thee probiotics today, because this
deal is only good until May 18th, or until supplies last.


Henry Alston, Jr.
Che Mighty, Inc.

PS: This is a great opportunity to stock up for the summer season,
so you can eat all the food you want, without feeling awful after.

Savage Mentality
